Chapter 20 "Sizzle"

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In the basement at the Salon, most of the women are holding on to each other crying.
Shaylynn's clip runs out, with no luck at shooting the lock off the doors.
Embers are falling into the basement quickly.
Kidd and Shaylynn see the tarps that were used while renovations to the salon were being done.
Each of them grabs a tarp.
"Ladies, get into two groups so we can put these tarps over you to keep the embers off!" Shaylynn tells them.
The ladies split up into two groups.
Kidd throws her tarp over one set of ladies and gets underneath with them.
Shaylynn throws her tarp over the other group of ladies. She walks back over to the doors, picks up the base to a chair and starts hitting on them again.
Sam pokes her head out from under the tarp Shaylynn threw on the group of ladies.
"Shaylynn! Get under here!" Sam says aggressively.
"Put your head back under that tarp!" Shaylynn yells at Sam.
Sam reluctantly does what Shaylynn tells her to do.
Shaylynn continues to hit the doors.
The embers are falling more than ever now.
Every other second, one falls onto Shaylynn's skin as though the fire is taunting her, letting her know this will finally be the time "it" will get her for saving all the Firefighters from its grasp.
With every touch from an ember, Shaylynn can hear her skin sizzle.
The smoke is finally making it's way down into the basement. All the women start coughing.
"Get as close to the ground as you can!" Kidd yells out.
Shaylynn continues to hit the doors with the bottom of a chair.
The smoke starts getting thicker and thicker.

Engine 51, Truck 81, and Ambulance 61 pull up in front of the salon.
"Tony head around back! There has to be an alley or something to access the back of the salon!" Severide tells him.
Tony turns onto North Franklin Street and locates an alley that's located behind the salon.
Severide jumps out, runs around to the back of Squad and grabs a set of heavy duty bolt cutters. He takes off running down the alley with the rest of the guys running after him.
Severide stops when he hears banging. He looks and sees doors with smoke coming out a lot of little holes.
Running up to the doors, he takes the bolt cutters and cuts the lock off. He throws the bolt cutters down, removes the chain and opens the doors.
Smoke pours out as the doors open. Once it clears, Severide sees Shaylynn standing there with a look he knows well.
She starts going down, "Oh no you don't!" Severide says as he quickly walks down the steps.
He gets behind Shaylynn just in time and catches her.
Severide starts walking up the steps carrying her. After he's out of the way, Cruz, Capp, and Tony head down to the basement to get the other ladies.
Severide finds a place to sit down. He puts Shaylynn on his lap so he can use his radio.
"Ambulance 61, come around back! NOW!" Severide says into his radio, "Chief, we're going to need a lot more ambulances! At least six more!"
"Main, request for six additional ambulances to my location" Chief radios in.
The other guys come walking out of the basement with the other ladies, Cruz carrying the woman who was in the wheelchair. Everyone of them coughing a tremendous amount.
"Ladies, let's try and make it to the Squad truck" Severide says as he stands back up with Shaylynn in his arms.
Sam sees the state Shaylynn's in. The other ladies see her and get worried looks on their faces.
As everyone is walking to the Squad truck, Capp radios to Boden, "Chief, we have all the ladies out of the basement."
"51, HIT IT!" Chief yells out.
Ambulance 61 pulls up in front of the Squad truck.
Brett and Chout get out of the ambulance. They rush to the back and open the doors.
Severide walks over to them with Shaylynn. He climbs up into the ambulance and lays her down on the gurney. Severide backs out so Brett can climb up inside.
She grabs a oxygen mask and puts it on Shaylynn.
The other ambulances start showing up. All the paramedics hurry out and start rushing around to take care of all the other ladies.
Brett looks out to Severide, "We have to hurry and get Shaylynn to Med! She's inhaled A LOT of smoke and with all the chemicals in the salon, I'm....." she stops talking.
Severide gets a very worried look on his face.
Dawson walks up behind him, "I'll go along with them" she says.
"I'm going also!" Sam says between coughs as she climbs up into the ambulance.
Severide looks at Dawson, "Kelly, find out why this happened!" she says to him climbing up into the ambulance.
He nods to her as Chout rushes pass him to get to the front of the ambulance. Severide closes the doors and pounds on them to let Chout know he can go.
Severide watches as the ambulance disappears, carrying four women that mean a lot to him.
Two good friends, his sister-in-law, and his wife.
Casey makes his way around to where Squad is, he walks up to Severide.
"Do you know where Gabby is? I looked in all the ambulances, but can't find her!" he says panicked.
"She's in 61 with Shaylynn and Sam" he tells Casey.
Casey gets a relieved look on his face.
He turns and sees the worried look on Severide's face.
"What's wrong?" Casey asks.
Severide doesn't answer.
"Kelly, is it Shaylynn?" he asks him.
Severide nods his head 'yes', "She didn't look good!" he tells Casey.
"Why didn't you go to the hospital with her?" Casey asks him.
"I need to find out what caused this! The salon had just been renovated, there's no reason why something like this happened!" he tells Casey.
"Alright! We'll be able to get inside soon!" he reassures Severide.
Severide pulls out his phone, "I need to call Peter and tell him what happened. That Sam is on her way to Med" he tells Casey.
"You better call Hank also" Casey tells him.
"I'll have Peter do that! I have other things to do!" Severide says to Casey with a look.

A City Of Heroes, ONE Chicago #3 (Chicago Fire)Where stories live. Discover now