Chapter 34 "Put The Gun Down"

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Severide and Shaylynn return home from California.
She calls Butch and tells him about the security job traveling with the Monster Girls for him, Rob, and Dave.
Shaylynn also learns that Dan's parents have made it through the program ahead of schedule and will be coming to pick up Zeus tomorrow.

The next following days are very busy.
Severide heads back to work.
Dan's parents show up and pick up Zeus, which depresses Shaylynn having to say goodbye to him. It's like losing Dan all over again, but after Zeus is gone she doesn't have time to dwell on that.
The IT guy from the CIA comes and hooks up everything she'll need. She can't believe all the computer equipment he hooked up in her vault.
With everything that's going on, the hardest part is not telling Sam what's going on. Shaylynn feels terrible not telling her, but she knows it's for the best.

Somewhere in Maryland, General Biggs is meeting with others still inside the Organization he trusts.

Sergeant Graham

Lieutenant Colonel Murray

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Lieutenant Colonel Murray

Major General Bower (Butch's cousin)

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Major General Bower (Butch's cousin)

"Graham, how's it coming on getting those contracts taken care of?" Biggs asks him

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"Graham, how's it coming on getting those contracts taken care of?" Biggs asks him.
"It's coming along. I do a few here and there so not to raise any red flags, but they're keeping a watchful eye on Shaylynn's and anything that has to do with her in the system" Graham tells Biggs.
"I figured they would!" Biggs says.
"What is the motive for doing this?" Murray asks.
"Human trafficking!" Biggs tells him, "Jones and Johnson are involved with Edmunds and Charles, the Governor of Illinois. The guy, Mr. Smith you kidnapped Shaylynn, he was involved. She and some "hometown" friends took care of him and a FBI Agent by the name of Emily who was involved also. Their bodies washed up out of Lake Michigan. Bower, are you in contact with Butch?"
"Yes! He told me that Shaylynn found them a job. He, Rob, and Dave are now traveling around with the Monster Girls as their security. This keeps them moving so they're not in one spot for too long" Bower tells him.
"What's going on with Shaylynn?" Murray asks.
"I know she and her husband just returned from California" Biggs tells him.
Bower and Murray look at each other, "What is it?" Biggs asks them.
"There was an incident that happened on a freeway out in Nevada near Las Vegas? Two gunmen were taken out by a woman. A few people the state patrol talked to said the woman was a brunette, but others who witnessed the incident called the news station after they aired the story saying the woman was a blonde. Was that our girl?" Bower asks Biggs.
Biggs gives Bower a glare and doesn't say a thing.

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