Chapter 3 "Spoiled Child"

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Stone pulls up in front of the building the State Attorney's office is located in.
"Why are we here?" Severide asks him.
"We need to talk!" Stone tells him as he gets out of the car.
Severide gets out of the car and follows Stone into the building and to his office.
When Stone opens the door, Severide sees Butch sitting there waiting on them.
"What's going on?" Severide asks as he walks into the office with Stone behind him.
Stone shuts the door and walks behind his desk, "You need to sign the divorce papers!" Stone tells Severide.
"What the fuck, Peter! Of all people, I thought you would be on my side! As for you Butch, I know how you feel about Shaylynn and I getting a divorce..."It's for the best!" I heard it plain as day!" Severide tells him with a pissed off look on his face.
"I'm sure Rob told you about the bigger fish, right?" Butch asks Severide.
"Yes, what does that have to do with anything?" he asks.
"This bigger fish is located in Washington D.C. and we need Shaylynn's head in the game so we can find out who this is! She can't keep thinking about you and going through this divorce! You keep acting like a spoiled child who doesn't want to give up their favorite play thing! Just sign the damn papers!" Butch tells him.
Severide looks at Stone, "I have to agree with Butch! Shaylynn needs her head to be in the game or she's going to get seriously hurt or worse killed! Kelly, if you love her sign the papers so nothing happens to her" Stone tells him.
Severide can't believe what he's hearing, "Does Sam know about this?" he asks Stone.
"NO! And she can't know about this, understand!" Stone says to Severide, "I have the papers right here" Stone says.
"How did you get those papers?" Severide asks Stone.
"Your lawyer and Shaylynn's are friends of mine" Stone tells him.
Severide rolls his eyes, "Of course they are!"
He picks up a pen and signs the papers, "THERE! It's done! Are you two happy?!" Severide asks Butch and Stone.
Severide walks over to the door, opens it and walks out. Stone goes after him.
"Kelly, I'll give you a ride back to the Firehouse" Stone tells him.
"Forget it! I'll find my own way, BROTHER!" Severide says to him with a glare as the elevator doors shut.
Stone turns around and walks back to his office. As he walks in Butch looks up at him.
"They'll forgive us in time!" Butch tells Stone.
Stone looks at him and laughs, "HELLO! Do you remember Shaylynn? Sam is just a mini version of her! Not only do I have to deal with Shaylynn who we both know is heartbroken right from the start, but I now have to deal with two sisters with one sleeping in my bed! And ALL three carry guns. Lest we forget, PaPa Voight!" Stone gives Butch a look, "Plus, it's easy for you to say that! You're not the one who's marrying into the Voight family! Now it's up to you to keep your eyes on him to make sure he doesn't do something stupid! You know Shaylynn well, how is she going to act once she hears Kelly signed the papers?"
"She's going to break down at first, but then she'll throw herself into work" Butch shakes his head, "One thing I didn't think of, I hope this doesn't put her on a downward slope and her PTSD becomes a real problem."
"I'm sure once Sam and Erin hear about the papers being signed, they'll rally around Shaylynn. You guys also need to be there for her! The Firehouse will be there for Kelly and I'm sure District 21 will be there for Shaylynn. I just hope things don't go too far and can't be repaired later on!" Stone says to Butch.
Butch looks at Stone with a blank expression.

A month goes by and news traveled fast that Severide signed the papers.
Capp, Cruz and Tony have tried to get Severide back out there, but he doesn't want anything to do with going out.
When he has days off, he's spending the time with Leslie, Taylor and Savannah. Even though under the circumstances, he was happy to hear when Shaylynn included Savannah and that he could see her whenever he wanted. No way in this world could he imagine not being able to see her. Savannah became his daughter the second he found out about her.
Butch was right about Shaylynn. She had a break down at first, then it was nothing but work, work, work.
Like Severide, when Shaylynn has free time she spends it with the kids. But in her case, she has Marshall's parents and the kids picked up and brought to her somewhere outside of Chicago to protect the kids and them.
Plus Stone was right, Sam and Erin rallied around Shaylynn. Divorce doesn't just affect the two people involved, but everyone around them who loves the two people equally.
The Firehouse has been a lot of support for Severide, but they still see Shaylynn as one of them.
Just like everyone at District 21 with Severide.
Seeing this happen has put Stone's mind at ease.
Now to keep eyes on Severide and Shaylynn to make sure they don't do something they'll regret later.

A City Of Heroes, ONE Chicago #3 (Chicago Fire)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ