Chapter 37 "Dirty Tricks"

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A month has went by and it's time for the rematch between Antonio and Shaylynn.
Antonio's gym is overflowing with people.
Everyone from the CFD to the CPD have been looking forward to this rematch.

Antonio comes out from the back, with Halstead in his corner.
Then Shaylynn comes out, with Dawson walking with her.
Dawson stops to talk to Antonio, "Have a good fight, Antonio!"
"Oh I will! Seeing that you haven't pulled any of your dirty tricks!" Antonio says to her.
Dawson smiles, "Oh hey, I need to tell you something" she tells him leaning in and whispering something into his ear.
She backs away, "Good luck!" Dawson says walking away over to where Shaylynn is.

Shaylynn takes off her hoodie to reveal what she's wearing.

Antonio is relieved to see it isn't some sort of costume like last time

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Antonio is relieved to see it isn't some sort of costume like last time.
He enters the ring, while Shaylynn does the same. They meet in the middle where Mouch is standing like last time.
"You both know the rules, so I'm not going to go over them. Let's have a clean fight!" Mouch says backing up.
Antonio and Shaylynn touch gloves.
"I'll take it easy on you!" Antonio says to her.
Shaylynn gives him a sly grin, "Don't hold back, big boy!"
The fight starts.
Everyone in the crowd starts yelling for their favorite.

Antonio and Shaylynn go two rounds and are getting ready for round three

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Antonio and Shaylynn go two rounds and are getting ready for round three.
"I can't believe she's made it this far!" Antonio says to Halstead while sitting in his corner.
"She's a Marine!" Halstead reminds him.
"But that's been some time ago!" Antonio says.
"It never leaves you!" Halstead tells him.
The bell rings sending Antonio and Shaylynn back out to the center of the ring.
A few punches are thrown back and forth.
Antonio looks at Shaylynn, "Question for ya!" he says to her.
Shaylynn gives him an odd look wondering why he wants to ask her a question now.
"How's Edmunds?" he asks her.
Shaylynn gets a pissed off look on her face, throws a right hook landing right on the side of Antonio's face, sending him to the mat.
Casey, Cruz, and Otis go wild, while Severide smiles from ear to ear. 

Mouch starts counting

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Mouch starts counting... "1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10..He's out!"
"CFD! CFD! CFD!" is being chanted over and over again.
With the pissed off look still on her face, Shaylynn exits the ring and heads for the back.
Dawson watches Shaylynn walk away with a worried look on her face.
Brett walks up to Dawson, "What's wrong?" she asks.
"I told Antonio something. I never thought he would say anything, but he did" Dawson tells her.
"Gabby, what are you talking about?" Brett asks her.
"When Shaylynn and I were walking out here, I stopped and talked to Antonio. He made a smart ass remark about how he'll have a good fight because I wasn't interfering this time. I sort of told him he should ask Shaylynn how Edmunds is" Dawson tells her.
"Gabby, you didn't!" Brett says to her.
Dawson shakes her head 'yes', "Now Shaylynn's pissed!"
"Well of course she is! You know what that man has done to her life" Brett says, "But what really surprises me is Antonio said anything to her."

Dawson hurries to the back, she knocks on the door of the room Shaylynn's in.
"Who is it?" Shaylynn asks.
"It's Gabby" Dawson says.
"Come in" Shaylynn tells Dawson.
Dawson walks in to see Shaylynn changing, "Shaylynn, I'm sorry!" Dawson says to her.
Shaylynn looks up at her, "For what?" she asks.
"I told Antonio about Edmunds" Dawson says.
"I figured you did, but I'm not pissed at you! I'm pissed at Antonio! He didn't have to say anything, but he did!" Shaylynn tells Dawson.
There's another knock at the door.
Dawson walks over, opens it a little, then opens it more, Sam walks in.
"Are you okay?" she asks Shaylynn.
"I'm fine!" Shaylynn tells her, "Why wouldn't I be?"
"You looked pretty pissed leaving the ring" Sam tells her.
"It was something Antonio said" Shaylynn says, "Speaking of Antonio, is he okay?" Shaylynn asks Sam.
"Yes! He was finally getting up off the mat when I was walking back here" Sam says with a smile.
Shaylynn finishes getting dressed, puts her shoes on, walks over to the door, and walks out with Dawson and Sam following her.
As she walks out to where the ring is located, a Firefighter from another house sees her and starts the "CFD" chant back up.
Shaylynn rolls her eyes and walks out of the gym.
Dawson and Sam look at each other because Severide's still inside.
"She must really be pissed at what Antonio said!" Sam says.
Shots ring out.
Everyone in the gym gets down on the floor, when they hear shots being returned. They hear a crash and water gushing.
All of the Intelligence Unit and Sam rush for the door with guns drawn.
Once outside, they see a car has crashed into a fire hydrant with Shaylynn walking toward it.

Shaylynn walks over to the car. While walking over, she screws on a silencer to her gun. She walks up to the driver and sees he's moving around.
He looks over at her, "Edmunds is coming for you!" he tells her.
Shaylynn looks at the guy, "Not if I get him first!"
She puts the silencer over his heart and pulls the trigger.
Two black SUVs pull up along with a tow truck.
Hank and Sam look at each other wondering what's going on.
Four men each jump out of the SUVs and start taking the driver out of the car and cleaning up anything from the incident.
Shaylynn starts walking over, "Shaylynn, what the hell is going on? Who are those guys?" Sam asks her.
"Don't worry about it!" Shaylynn tells her.
"Shaylynn..."Sam starts to say.
"SAM!" Shaylynn yells at her, then walks away.
Sam looks at Hank, "What was that about?" she asks.
"I don't know, but I'm going to find out!" Hank tells Sam.

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