Chapter 35 "Sending A Message"

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A few months go by.
Hank and Sam have noticed that Shaylynn's only at the calls 51 is at that seem to deal with human trafficking.
They've also noticed other people being around and talking to Shaylynn that they've never seen before.
"Do you think the people Shaylynn's talking to is with the Organization?" Hank asks Sam at a call.
"I don't think so! I haven't seen Butch, Rob, or Dave around at all. On top of that, I haven't seen Chrysti and her team or any of the teams around Chicago. Somethings going on!" Sam tells Hank.
Sam and Hank turn around to see Truck and Squad walking out of a shipping container carrying bodies.
"I can't believe how packed these people were in there!" Sam says to Hank, "They didn't have a chance with how hot it is."
"That one guy you took in that Shaylynn went off on, did he tell you anything?" Hank asks her.
"I didn't have a chance to interview him. He disappeared out of holding" Sam tells him.
"Do you think it was Shaylynn?" Hank asks Sam.
"No! She's not going to take the chance of breaking into the FBI office for a guy like that" Sam says.
"Seems Shaylynn's leaving" Hank says, as he and Sam watch her get into her car and take off.
"The people she was talking to are gone also" Sam says.

At an abandoned building, Shaylynn walks in to see the guys she was talking to with three people sitting in chairs in front of the them.
As she gets closer, she sees that two of the people have FBI coats on. She walks around them and sees the other person is the guy from the building fire.
"This is Agent Cameron and Agent Emily" a guy tells her.
Shaylynn rolls her eyes, "Another Emily?! Was that the only name in the gift shop when their mothers were pregnant?"
"You're familiar with Agent Emily?" the guy asks Shaylynn.
"Not this one, but another one! She thought it would be a good idea to flirt with my husband in front of me. She was also involved in my kidnapping!" Shaylynn tells him.
"Is she still with the FBI?" another guy asks.
"No! She's dead!" Shaylynn says looking at this new Emily.
The first guy is looking at his phone, "It seems this Emily is known for treason" he tells Shaylynn.
The other guy snickers, "That's not a good thing for a Marine to hear!" he tells Emily.
Emily looks at both guys, they both point at Shaylynn.
"These three were involved with the shipping container. They were to make sure no one found it, but they got caught with their pants down, literally. The three of them were having sex in their car when we found them. They were also plotting to grab your sister and kill her" the first guy tells Shaylynn.
"Put them in the trunk of my car!" she tells the guy.
"But.." the second guy says.
"I said put them in the trunk of my car!" Shaylynn tells them again.
Shaylynn walks up to the guy who was at the building fire, "I told you, that you better hope I don't find you out on the streets!"
The guys walk over to the three. One of the guys grabs Emily and the unknown guy, the other guy grabs onto Cameron. Both guys lead them outside.
Shaylynn is standing there waiting on them, with the trunk up. Cameron goes in first, then the other guy, lastly it's Emily.
"They're almost in the same position we found them!" one of the guys says.
Shaylynn closes the trunk.
"What are you going to do with them?" the second guy asks.
"You don't need to know! Just know this, NO one messes with my family!" Shaylynn tells him with a pissed off look on her face.

The next night, Hank, Sam, along with Stone go to Molly's.
They see Severide and Casey at the bar, say hi to them, before walking over to a table.
Herrmann comes out from behind the bar to bring them their drinks.
"Thanks, Herrmann!" Hank tells him, handing over money for the drinks.
A news alert comes up on the TV....

"Three bodies are being recovered from the pond in the middle of Rosehill Cemetery. The names are not being released at this time, but two of the bodies are wearing FBI jackets" the newscaster says.

Casey and Severide stare at the TV. By the look on Severide's face he knows who did this. 

Sam looks at Hank, "I'm surprised

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Sam looks at Hank, "I'm surprised..." she starts to say when her phone rings, she looks down at it, "Director Voight" she says into her phone.
She's on the phone for a minute, then hangs up.
"I was going to say, I'm surprised I didn't get a call yet, but that was it! I have to go!" she tells Hank and Stone, giving him a kiss before she leaves.
She quickly leaves Molly's.
Hanks phone rings, "Yeah!" he says.
He looks at Stone while hanging up, "I have to be going also!"
Stone nods at Hank.
Hank quickly leaves Molly's.
Boden's sitting at the bar, turns around, stands up, and walks over to the table Stone is sitting at.
"You need a ride home?" Boden asks Stone.
Stone lets out a little laugh, "Yeah! By now you would think I would know to drive myself if I'm going anywhere with those two!" he says.

At Rosehill Cemetery, Hank meets up with the Intelligence Unit, while Sam meets up with other FBI agents.
She walks over to a couple of agents that are standing by a car. Sam sees one of the agents is holding something.
"What did you find?" she asks.
"We found this flash drive sitting on the seat" one of them tells her.
"Have you checked to see what's on it?" she asks.
They both shake their heads 'yes'.
"Well, what's on it?" Sam asks.
"Maybe you should watch it" the other agent tells her.
All three of them walk over to the agent's car. One of them pulls out a laptop, inserts the flash drive and it starts playing.
Sam sees three people having sex in a car. One of the agents stops it.
"They're the ones being pulled out of the pond" he tells her.
"Is there anymore?" Sam asks him.
"Oh yeah, there's more!" he tells Sam as Hank walks over to her.
"Play it!" she tells the agent.
Video comes up of the same three people having sex in the car, this time they're talking.
Sam and Hank listen to them talk about kidnapping and killing her.
Hank and Sam both look at each with glares.
"Alright!" Sam tells the agents, "Let me have the flash drive!"
The agent with the laptop takes the flash drive out of the laptop and gives it to her.
She walks off with Hank.
"Shaylynn?" Hank questions Sam.
She looks over at him, "Really?! Who else do you know is going to take the chance of not just killing one, but two FBI agents together? And the guy that's with them, he's the guy from the building fire"
"But why dump their bodies into the pond that's in the cemetery?" Hank questions.
"She's sending a message to someone, but who?" Sam asks. 

A City Of Heroes, ONE Chicago #3 (Chicago Fire)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora