Chapter 29 "Man On A Mission"

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Severide pulls up in front of District 21.
He gets out, walks in, right up to Trudy, "Hey, Kelly! What can I do for you?" Trudy asks.
"Is Hank in?" Severide asks her.
"Let me call up and check" she says picking up the phone.
"Yeah!" Hank says into the phone.
"Kelly's down here" Trudy tells him.
"Who?" Hank asks.
"Your Son-In-Law!" Trudy says into the phone.
"Alright! Send him up!" Hank tells her and hangs up the phone.
Severide can see Trudy is upset with Hank, "Hank hasn't been himself here lately" he says to Trudy as he follows her over to the cage like door.
"It's the case they've been working on. Some kids were kidnapped, raped, and murdered. You know how Hank is with kids. When he gets a case that involves kids, he thinks of his girls and his grandkids and becomes a man on a mission" she tells Severide opening the door for him.
"Thanks, Trudy!" Severide tells her walking through.
"Anytime!" Trudy tells him.
She walks down the steps and back over to her desk.

Upstairs, Hank's sitting behind his desk angry at himself for not being able to crack this case. He hates knowing that whoever did this to these kids is still out there most likely on the hunt looking for more kids.
Hank looks up and sees Severide walking toward his office, he waves him in.
"What can I do for you, Kelly?" Hank asks him.
"Matt and I have been looking into the fire at the salon some more. With the information we've collected it's starting to look like this salon was targeted, but we don't know why" Severide tells Hank.
Severide stands there for a few seconds thinking, "Kelly, you alright?" Hank asks him.
"I think I might know why that tanning bed was installed when it shouldn't have been" he says.
"And you just figured it all out coming here?" Hank asks sarcastically.
Severide gives him a look, "I just thought about the information Shaylynn told me before I came here. It makes sense now!"
Hank gives Severide a look, "What information? She's back from D.C.?" he asks.
"There's no more Organization in Chicago! Seems the people they have been watching are now in the White House, FBI, and have taken over the Organization. They forced General Biggs out! Told him if he didn't step down and leave that his teams would be targeted. He's sent the guys, Chyrsti and her team, and the others away. When Shaylynn went to D.C. it was Paul Edmunds that set it up. That son of a bitch thought Shaylynn was going to be his own personal security! He was able to get her there because of General Johnson, apparently he and the General are good friends and General Jones is Johnson's right hand man" Severide tells Hank.
"How did she get away?" Hank asks Severide.
"With the help of the CIA Director, Isaac Skinner who happens to be Biggs' Stepson" Severide says.
"Can't this Edmunds get over Shaylynn?" Hank says.
Severide looks at Hank, "What?" Hank asks him.
"There's a lot more!" Severide says.
"Are you going to tell me or do I have to guess?" Hank asks.
Severide gives Hank another look, "Shaylynn showed me a folder with papers in it that Biggs gave her.
Edmunds and Johnson were the ones behind the warehouse and the city block being destroyed" Severide says looking at the expression on Hank's face.
Severide can see that Hank is really pissed by what he was just told.
"ALL the shit Shaylynn has been through after that tragic day was all put in motion by those dicks! Let me guess, Edmunds was still sore that Shaylynn dumped him for Marshall and Johnson saw Watt as standing in his way for advancement" Hank says.
"I don't know any of that, but I'm sure that's how it was!" Severide tells Hank.
"So why do you think the salon has anything to do with this?" Hank asks Severide.
"Think about it! The Organization and the FBI have the technology to listen to people's calls. They probably were listening to Shaylynn's calls and heard that she would be going to this salon after it opened" Severide looks at Hank, "The contractor had to be in on it! That's if he was even a contractor because the wiring was never replaced! When the tanning bed was delivered, the installer said he wouldn't install it because of the wiring. The store owner told me the installer told a Janice about the wiring. She was the contractors wife, at least that's what Nicole was told."
"So you think Shaylynn was being targeted?" Hank asks.
Severide shakes his head 'yes', "What better way to try and take her out by making it look like an accident! When someone found out that she didn't die in the hospital, they put together the plan of her going to D.C. to keep an eye on her or take her out there!"
"I hope she plans on laying low with all this going on" Hank says to Severide.
"She is! Biggs told her too! The only reason she was allowed to come back to Chicago was because of her family" Severide tells Hank.
"I'll look into the information you gave me" Hank tells Severide.
"Alright! I'll leave and get out of hair" Severide says to Hank.
He turns to walk out of Hank's office, "Keep an eye on her, Kelly!" Hank tells him.
Severide turns around, looks at Hank and nods. He turns back around and walks out.

A City Of Heroes, ONE Chicago #3 (Chicago Fire)Where stories live. Discover now