Chapter 36 "New Team Member"

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After the shipping container was discovered and the three bodies came out of the pond in the cemetery, things have quieted down.
Since things have been so quiet, Shaylynn stops by the District to meet the new person who joined the Intelligence Unit.
She walks into the District and up the stairs. Some of the new police officers step out of her way.
Shaylynn rolls her eyes as she walks over to Trudy.
"Hey, Shaylynn!" Trudy says to her.
"Hi, Trudy!" Shaylynn says, "Is the father figure here?" she asks.
"Most likely up in his office" Trudy tells her coming out from behind her desk.
Shaylynn follows Trudy over to the door that leads up.
Trudy opens it for Shaylynn, "Thank you, Trudy!" she says smiling back at Trudy.
"You're welcome" Trudy says heading back over to her desk.

Walking up the steps, Shaylynn sees everyone is at their desks busy, well at least some are. She sees a woman she doesn't know, standing up since there are not enough desks for all of them.
Shaylynn starts to walk through when someone speaks up, "Now I know you weren't going to try and get by without giving me a hug!"
She turns around and sees Antonio standing there.
"Welcome back, Antonio!" Shaylynn tells him, giving him a hug.
"It's good to be back!" he says to her.
"I see Hank's door's closed, do you think he'll be long" Shaylynn asks.
"I'm not sure, he's in there with your hubby" Antonio tells her.
She gives Antonio a confused look, "By that look, you didn't know Kelly was here" he says to her.
"No" she says.
"While you wait, let me introduce you to Detective Hailey Upton" Antonio says to Shaylynn.
"Hailey, this is Shaylynn Severide. She's Hank daughter" he tells her.
"Pleasure to meet you, Hailey!" Shaylynn says to her.
"Oh no, the pleasure's all mine! I've heard a lot about you!" she tells Shaylynn.
Shaylynn looks at Antonio, "I didn't tell her anything!" he says sticking his hands up.
Upton starts laughing, "It was all good!"
Hank's office door starts opening, "I better get back to work" Upton tells Shaylynn as she walks away.
Before Shaylynn knows it, Severide is running into her, "Well, you're a nice surprise to run into!" he says to her smiling.
"Why are you here?" she asks him.
"I had to talk to Hank about an arson case" Severide tells her, "I have to go! See you later!" he says kissing her.
She watches him walk to the stairs and out of her sight.
"Shaylynn" she hears Hank say from behind her.
Turning around, she walks into his office, "What can I do for you?" he asks.
"You said you had a new team member, so I stopped by to meet them" she tells him.
"Have you met her?" Hank asks her.
"Yes, Antonio introduced me to her" Shaylynn tells him.
There's a knock on Hank's door. Shaylynn turns around and sees Antonio standing there with a smile on his face.
"Come in, Antonio!" Hank tells him.
"Have you said anything yet?" Antonio asks Hank.
"No" Hank says.
"Alright you two, what are you up too?" Shaylynn asks.
"Antonio wants a rematch" Hank tells her.
"He wants a rematch?" she asks, "A rematch to what?"
"The boxing match!" Antonio tells her.
Shaylynn smiles, "Oh I see! You can't handle being beaten by a woman" she says turning around looking at Antonio.
"It's HOW you won!" Antonio says, "With my scheming sisters help!"
Shaylynn laughs at Antonio, "If you want a rematch, you can have a rematch. The crap Butch told Gabby about hitting me, totally false!" she says.
Antonio's eyes get big.
"I better be going!" Shaylynn tells Hank.
"You better start training!" she says to Antonio patting him on the back as she walks out of Hank's office.
Antonio looks at Hank, "Did I do the right thing?"
Hank starts laughing at him.

Making her way to the Firehouse, Shaylynn parks out front.
She gets out and walks up the driveway. As she walks into the stalls, she sees Brett and Dawson are busy putting stuff away in the ambulance.
Brett sees Shaylynn and runs over to her, "I heard you and Antonio are having a rematch."
Shaylynn shakes her head 'yes'.
"Can I ask a favor, please don't hurt Antonio's face to bad" Brett pleads.
Shaylynn starts laughing at her, as Dawson walks over.
"I can't believe you agreed to a rematch" Dawson says to her.
"The way the other fight ended wasn't right! Butch shouldn't have told you what he did. I can control my anger. It's just in a life and death situation is when it gets really out of control. And I know Antonio isn't trying to kill me" Shaylynn tells Dawson.
"We better finish up getting things put away" Dawson tells Brett.
"Alright! See ya later, Shaylynn!" Brett says as she walks back over to the ambulance.
"Between you and me, Antonio needs a good ass kicking!" Dawson tells Shaylynn with a mischievous smile on her face.
Shaylynn shakes her head at what Dawson says.
"I better get over there!" Dawson says, "See ya later!"
"See ya!" Shaylynn says back.
Walking through the doors, into the Common area, all the guys yell at her.
"What's this about you and Antonio having a rematch?" Mouch asks her.
"Yep! He wants a rematch, so I agreed to it" she tells him.
"Where's it going to be?" Herrmann asks.
"Probably his gym. It's not going to be a circus like the last one!" she tells Herrmann.
"Where are the proceeds going from this fight?" Otis asks.
"This time it's my choice, so the money will be split up between several Down Syndrome organizations in Chicago" she tells everyone.
Severide comes walking into the Common area, "There's my boxing girl!" he says to her.
"Can we talk?" she asks him.
With a worried look on his face Severide shakes his head 'yes'.
Walking around the corner, toward the locker room, they stop.
"What are you up to?" Shaylynn asks him.
"What do you mean?" he asks her.
"Whenever you're in a hurry to get away from me, you're up to something!" she says, "So what's about this arson case you're trying to hide from me?"
"I don't know what you're talking about" Severide says.
"That's a bunch of BS, Kelly!" Shaylynn says to him, then it hits her, "It's the salon fire, isn't it!"
Severide looks away, "It's the salon fire!" she says, "Have you found anything?"
"Shaylynn, I don't want to talk about this! I almost lost you for good in that fire!" he tells her.
"Alright! But, you'll tell me at some point, won't you?" she asks him.
"Yes" he says.
Shaylynn puts both of her hands on his face, "Promise?" she says.
Severide smiles, "I promise!"
"Now tell me all about this rematch?" he says to her.

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