Chapter 11 "Sucking Face"

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A few months go by.
Shaylynn is getting really sick and tired of having to sneak around to be with Severide. Not being able to see the kids together was really affecting them until she bought the lake house.
Once Savannah was a lot stronger, Marshall's parents would bring the kids up to the lake. Thankfully the heart monitor is small and easy to handle while traveling, but Savannah still requires a home health nurse 24/7 for a little while longer. The nurse that travels with the Dalton's is a very good friend of Ms. Goodwin's, so Shaylynn doesn't have to worry about anyone who shouldn't know finding out about Savannah and her in-laws also her and Severide still being married.

Shaylynn's phone rings startling her awake. She reaches over to her night stand and picks it up.
"We found out that Mr. Smith has another nightclub/sex club in Chicago" Butch tells her.
"Butch, this couldn't have waited until the afternoon?" Shaylynn asks him half awake, half asleep.
"No! We want to get something set up so we can get him! He's in town NOW!" he tells her.
This information wakes Shaylynn up very quickly!
"There's something else...." Butch starts to tell her, but stops.
"What?" Shaylynn asks him.
Butch doesn't answer.
"Butch! What is it!?" she asks him again.
"The CI I got the information from said that Mr. Smith is going around saying that you're his and once he gets his hands back on you, he's going to tear your ass up" Butch tells her wishing he didn't.
The line goes silent.
"What's the plan?" Shaylynn asks him.
"Using you as bait" Butch says.
Shaylynn sits in her bed sick to her stomach remembering that son of bitch touching her with his disgusting hands. Putting his nasty dick inside her....
"What do you want me to do?" she asks Butch.
"All of us were talking and thought maybe Kelly could help out also" he tells her.
Shaylynn becomes extremely angry at what Butch says, "What the fuck is wrong with you!? Kelly and I have been through all of this shit so he's protected and now you want to bring him in on a job?!"
"Hear me out! Mr. Smith sees you as his. If you go into this club with Kelly, he's more than likely going to get pissed and slip up making it easier to get him" Butch tells her, "We plan on putting together some couples to go into the club with you two so you're not alone."
"What couples are you thinking about?" Shaylynn asks him.
"Well, of course Sam and Peter, Erin and Jay, Matt and Gabby..." Butch starts telling her until she stops him.
"OH, HELL NO! Matt and Gabby ARE NOT going in there! She was part of the other sting which pissed me off and I'll be damned if both are in on this!" Shaylynn tells Butch very adamant.
"Okay! Okay! How about Kim and Adam?" he asks her.
"That's better, but it's up to all of them if they want to take part in this!" Shaylynn tells him.
"Then I guess I better get on it and start asking!" Butch tells her hanging up.
Shaylynn throws her phone to the foot of her bed. She gets up and heads to the bathroom to get a shower.

After a couple of hours, there's a knock at the front door. Shaylynn looks at the security monitor to see it's Sam and Stone.
She walks to the door and opens it, looking at Sam and Stone surprised.
"Butch told us to meet him here" Sam tells her as they walk inside, "You might as well stay at the door because Erin, Jay, Kim, and Adam were pulling up when we were walking up to the door" Sam informs her.
Shaylynn looks at outside and Sam's right. All four of them are walking up to the door. They all say hi to Shaylynn as they walk in.
Everyone heads to the back living room. As Shaylynn sits down on the couch, her phone rings.
"Open the garage door!" Butch tells her hanging up.
Shaylynn gets up and heads to the door that leads out to the garage. She walks out, pushes the button and watches Butch along with the other guys pull into the garage in Dan's car.
They all get out, "Close the door!" Butch tells her.
Shaylynn gives him a look while she pushes the button to close the door. Butch watches as the door goes down. When it reaches a certain point, he pushes the button on the inside of the car to open the trunk door.
The door pops open.....a hand comes out to push the door up more, Severide climbs out of the trunk and is standing in front of Shaylynn.
She quickly walks over to him and throws her arms around his neck. Shaylynn can't believe after all this time, her and Severide are finally in THEIR house together.
"I never thought I would have to be smuggled into my own house!" Severide tells her before giving her a kiss.
"Alright you two, let's head inside! We need to get things arranged so we can get this taken care of!" Butch tells them.
"He really needs to find a woman!" Shaylynn tells Severide.
He shakes his head 'yes' in agreement.
All of them walk into the house. Everyone that's inside turns around to see Severide walking in with Shaylynn.
Sam jumps up, walks over to him and gives him a hug, "Welcome home!" she tells him.
"At least for now" Butch reminds her.
Severide grabs Shaylynn's hand, walks over to a chair, sits down and pulls her down onto his lap.
Butch and the other guys stand in front of the fireplace.
"I asked all of you to come here so I could talk to all of you at once. I received information from a CI that Mr. Smith has another nightclub/sex club in Chicago. He's in town right now and he'll be at this club tonight! He's also been spreading things around Chicago about Shaylynn, so she'll be used as bait. That's why you guys are here. If we go in with her, it's pretty obvious something is going to go down. If it's other couples, then it looks like you guys are just out on the town" Butch tells them.
"By the looks of the "couples" you're expecting to have six guns on the inside" Lindsay says to Butch.
"Yes! Sam, Erin, and Kim don't take this the wrong way, but wear the tightest, sluttiest dresses you have. For this club, the more slutty the better" Butch tells the ladies seeing the looks on their faces.
"What about our guns?" Sam asks him.
"Shaylynn has these special holsters that go around your thigh and your gun is between your legs. Erin, Kim you both will need two holsters so you can carry Jay and Adam's guns in for them. Once inside, you two will have to get a little intimate with Jay and Adam so they can get to their guns" Butch says.
The other guys start laughing at the looks on Lindsay and Burgess' faces.
Butch smiles at them, "Don't worry, you won't look out of place in there. If anything, the people will likely be waiting for you guys to do more."
"Shaylynn, you have more than enough thigh holsters, right?" Butch asks looking at her and Severide across the room.
Everyone looks at them and sees they're making out.
"To the couple in the back of the classroom sucking face! PAY ATTENTION!" Butch yells to them.
Shaylynn sticks her middle finger up at Butch, the other ladies snicker.
She looks over at him, "Yes, I have enough thigh holsters for the ladies. Now, if you'll excuse us, Kelly and I have some things to talk about" Shaylynn tells Butch while standing up holding onto Severide's hand.
He stands up out of the chair and starts following Shaylynn out of the room.
"There's going to be noise, but it's not going to be talking!" Sam says then smiles.
Butch shakes his head, "I'll text everyone the address where we'll be meeting at. It will be around 11 p.m. so you have plenty of time. Maybe get a nap before hand that way you're all sharp."
Everyone leaves and heads home waiting on Butch to text them.

At 9 p.m Butch texts everyone the address where to meet.
The next two hours go by fast.
Ruzek, Burgess, Lindsay, and Halstead all show up together at the address which turns out to be a warehouse. When they walk in, they see a lot of backgrounds sitting around along with what looks like staged rooms.
"What is this place?" Lindsay asks Butch.
"It's Rob's friends photography studio. Since it's close to where you guys will be going, he said we could use it as home base" Butch tells her.
Everyone hears a horn outside the warehouse door. Rob pushes a button to open the door.
As the door opens enough, Shaylynn drives inside. Rob closes the door as she drives in.
She and Sam open their doors and get out. Sam pushing her seat up so Stone can get out of the backseat.
"Where's Kelly?" Butch asks Shaylynn.
She moves her seat, Severide slowly gets out of the backseat, "He was scrunched down behind me" she tells Butch.
"Okay, since everyone is here we have to get these pictures taken!" Rob tells everyone.
Shaylynn rolls her eyes as she walks over to where Rob is standing.
"What are the pictures for?" Sam asks Rob.
"They're so in case the police raid the place, you can prove who you are in the clothes you're wearing. I started doing this after an incident where Shaylynn was arrested as a prostitute and the police didn't believe she was who she said she was. It took two Generals to convince them she wasn't a prostitute" Rob tells her, "Alright everyone, we're wasting time! Pick a background or a staged room!"

First up is Severide and Shaylynn....
Then Stone and Sam....
Butch starts laughing, "Sure can tell they're sisters!" he says referring to Shaylynn and Sam posing.
Next, Halstead and Lindsay....
Finally it's Ruzek and Burgess' turn.....
Another horn sounds from outside the door.
Dave pushes the button for the door, it starts going up and a limo pulls into the warehouse.
"Alright everyone, it's time! Each of you take an earpiece, we'll be monitoring everyone from the truck that will be parked a block away. With all the guys having on button up shirts, we're going to put button cameras on you", Butch tells them as he, Rob, Dan, and Dave walk to each guy to put a camera on them, "Since it's four groups, we're going to use numbers for code words. One through four are the code numbers. It doesn't matter who says what number, if we hear any of those numbers, we're going to come busting in!" Butch tells the four couples.



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