Chapter 38 "All Is Right"

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Months have went by.
Hank tried to get answers from Shaylynn about what was going on and what she was involved in, but she blew him off.
With what happened outside of Antonio's gym, Shaylynn has been staying away from Hank and especially Sam.
The ones inside the FBI have been keeping a very watchful eye on Shaylynn to see if she and Sam get together.

At Firehouse 51, everyone is sitting in the Common area when six guys in suits with guns come rushing in.
"What's this all about?" Boden questions the guy.
The guy grabs Boden and slams him down onto the table.
"What the hell!" Severide yells out, turning around to aid Boden when a couple of guys grab him and slam him onto the table.
Casey turns around and in the process is slammed onto the table also.
"Which one of you is Severide?" the first guy asks.
No one answers, this pisses the guy off.
"I'm only going to ask one more time, which one of you is Severide?" the guy asks again.
"I'm Severide!" the guy hears come from the table.
He nods to the two guys holding Severide down. They pull Severide up into a standing position.
"Where's your wife?" the guy asks Severide.
"I'm not going to tell you where my wife is!" Severide tells the guy.
"You better talk!" the guy tells him.
"What do you want with my wife? And who the hell are you?" Severide asks the guy.
"It's none of your business who we are! As for your wife, she's wanted for kidnapping!" the guy tells Severide.
"That doesn't sound like my wife to take a kid!" Severide tells the guy with a sly grin.
The guy glares at Severide, "Don't be stupid! You know what I mean!"
"Who did she supposedly kidnap?" Severide asks the guy.
A special news report comes on the TV..........

"This is Brian Long with Channel 5! We will be switching over to our sister station in Washington D.C. for a special news conference."

The CIA logo can be seen on a podium. Standing behind it, Severide sees Isaac Skinner.

"My name is Isaac Skinner. I'm the Director for the CIA. We've obtained a video of Mike Charles, Governor of Illinois, General Johnson, Secretary of Defense, and Paul Edmunds, White House Chief of Staff talking about their plans of transporting people over state lines and overseas with the intent of selling them in the Human Trafficking trade. All three of them have been apprehended and are in custody. When serving the warrants, information of others involved has been obtained. These people are now being apprehended as I speak."

Just then Butch, Rob, and Dave come running in the door with automatic weapons drawn.
Butch looks at the head guy, "Give it up, Michaels! You all have been found out! It's over!" Butch tells him.
Michaels laughs at him, "That's funny, Bower! There's six of us and only three of you!"
Butch gets a sly grin on his face.
Michaels looks at Butch with an odd look, "Alright men, let's take them!" Michaels says.
When none of the other guys say anything, Michaels turns around to see Shaylynn pointing her rifle at him with a couple of guys around her who are with the CIA and the guys who came with him laying on the floor.
Michaels turns around to look back at Butch, "I told you to give it up! And before you think about running, DON'T! Don't give Shaylynn a reason to shoot you!"
"Oh no! PLEASE RUN!" Michaels can hear Shaylynn say from behind him, "You have been stalking my sister with the intent of killing her if she found you and your guys out, so please give me a reason to shoot you!"
Sam along with other FBI agents come running into the Firehouse, "Why are you guys here?" Sam asks.
"Why are you here?" Shaylynn asks her.
"I received a warrant to apprehend Michaels and the men who are with him!" Sam tells Shaylynn.
"Now, why are you, Butch, Rob, and Dave here? Who are those guys with you?" Sam asks Shaylynn.
"I'll explain everything later! Right now, let's get these guys taken care of!" Shaylynn says.
All the men are placed in handcuffs and are taken out to waiting cars.
"Will you tell me now what's going on?" Sam asks Shaylynn.
"Stop by the house around 8 o'clock and I'll tell you" Shaylynn tells Sam.
Sam gives her a look, "Are you really going to tell me or are you just going to blow me off like you did Dad?" Sam questions.
Shaylynn looks at Sam with a blank stare, "No, I'll tell you" she says.
Sam and a few of the other FBI agents walk out of the Firehouse.
Shaylynn walks over to Severide and kisses him.
"Is everyone okay?" Butch asks.
"Yes, we're fine!" Boden tells him.
"Is all of this finally over with? All this human trafficking stuff you guys were involved in?" Herrmann asks.
Shaylynn backs up from Severide and looks at Herrmann, "It should be for this human trafficking ring, but there's still a lot out there!" she says, "I'm relieved Edmunds is finally going to be behind bars! I shouldn't have to look over my shoulder any longer!"
Severide touches Shaylynn on the arm, "Did I understand right, that you're going to tell Sam about what's been going on?"
"Yes! She's coming to the house. I'm also going to have Hank stop by and tell him" she tells Severide.
"Good luck!" Severide tells her.
"Why are you saying that?" Shaylynn asks him.
"Because Sam is a mini you and you both got your temper from Hank! Let me just say, I'm glad I'm on shift!" Severide tells her with a smile.
Shaylynn smiles at him, "You're terrible!" she says.
A calls comes into the Firehouse.
Severide kisses Shaylynn before running toward the door to the stalls, but before going through he stops, turns around and looks at her.
"Love you!" he says to her and runs for the Squad truck.

A City Of Heroes, ONE Chicago #3 (Chicago Fire)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum