Chapter 28

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Ian's POV

Ounce we get back to the house Becca explains to us what happened. We are all playing Minecraft and we here Becca's phone ring.

"Hi mom...........Yeah sure......Ok hold on.............OK" She hangs up.

"My parents and brother want to Skype want to meet them?" She ask us all as she logs off Minecraft and goes onto Skype. She types a message to them.

"Yeah I haven't seen your parents since you moved from Jersey......I wonder if they remember me and Mitch." Jerome says as he pulls up a chair nearby. Everyone pulls up a chair and we all wait for her parents to answer.

"Hi" There smiling faces appear on Becca's screen.

"Hi mom Hi dad." She waves smiling at the camera.

"Introduce us to your friends." Her dad says.

"This is Mitch" she says gesturing to Mitch "My boyfriend."

"Wait a second......Mitchell Hughes" Her mom says.

"Yup.....That's my name." He says waving to the camera......." Its nice to see you again."

"So is that Jerome........I couldn't ever mistake that big-nose." Her dad says as we all laugh.

"Yeah it is." Jerome says while we all laugh.

Becca finishes introducing us all......."Rob.....Matt.....Tyler.....Sam......Adam.......Preston.....Jason"

"And this is Ian." She finishes with me and I wave at the camera slightly.

"Wait a second......Ian.......I know that name........ Becca That's your cousin" Her mom says.

"What?" Me and Becca say at the same time.

"Yeah you guys are cousins." she replies.

We chat with her parents for about 2 hours and her brother comes on for 1 hour to and they are all really nice people.

"BAI" We all scream as we hang up the Skype call. 

Couple hours later

Becca's POV

Later on we are all hanging out and talking about prom/ school dances.

"My first school dance was horrible" Jerome says.

"Was I at that dance?" I ask Jerome.

"Yeah...That's exactly why it was horrible." Jerome says joking. The guys laugh and I sit there and pretend to cry...That didn't work well though because I just sounded like a dying walrus...or whale.

Soon we somehow ended up on our computers on and started playing Skygames but youtubers edition.

Everyone in the game was in one big Skype call and when they would die they would join a different call so they could spectate but not cheat....Guess who thought of that wonderful plan.....Me

In the game was.....









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