Chapter 12

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Becca's POV

I introduce everyone to Sam. and then we kind of hang-out a while and we all get to know Sam better

The whole time Sam had the biggest smile on her face. "So who wants to go outside?" I ask and everyone gets up and we walk outside.

"Hey" Mitch says grabbing my arm.

I look at him confused for a second then say. "You alright Mitch?"

"Yeah I just have something for you." he says reaching into his pocket.

He pulls out a box that looks like it would have a ring in it. "Here" he says handing it to me. "It's a promise ring pretty much saying we'll always be best friends." He says smiling down at me.

I put on the ring and jump up and hug him tightly. "Mitch your the best" he hugs me back but then I hear him whisper something in my ear.

"Mitch did you say something?"

"No" he replies back quickly.

Mitch's POV

I was so nervous to give her that ring. even though it was just a little friends gift I actually loved her.

while she was hugging me I whispered in her ear "I still love you" I'm just glad she didn't hear what I said.

"Umm....There was something else I wanted to ask you" I say scratching the back of my neck nervously.

She looks at me knowing that I was really nervous so she grabbed my hand and said :Mitch it's okay don't be nervous about anything just tell me"

"Well I was wondering if well... I don't know how to say this but umm..."

"Mitch just please tell me"

"Would you go out with me sometime" I say really fast.

Becca's POV

did he really just ask me out? Does he really like me? all these questions were running through my head.

"of course Mitch" I say still shocked.

"So lets go outside now" He says as we walk outside hand in hand.

Jerome looks at Mitch and smiles. "Dood you finally asked her out"

Lots of the other guys were smiling at me and Mitch.

did everyone know he was going to ask me out?  I walk over by Adam who was by the grill grilling some hamburgers and hot-dogs. I talk with Adam for a while just about random stuff. He said that he was really happy that Mitch finally asked me out because even though he never said he liked me everyone could tell he did.

"I'll be right back" I say running over to Mitch.

"Hey I'm going to go inside quick and change to my swimming suit" I say to Mitch then going and getting Sam so she can change to.

We walk inside through the back door and grab our bags from the living room.

I walk into the bathroom upstairs. while Sam was in the Bathroom downstairs.  I put on my swimming suit then put my clothes back on so I wont be wearing just a swimming suit.

Me and Sam walk out of the bathrooms at the same time.

"perfect timing" we say together and laughing again.

We walk outside and she walks over by Jerome. I smile at her as she looks back at me and mouths "Thanks" I nod my head and smile at her.

I walk over by Mitch. "Looks like Jerome really likes her" Mitch says smiling at me. ever since he asked me out he has had a constant grin on his face.

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