Chapter 21

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Becca's POV

While we were at the beach I vloged a little bit more. Some of the guys decided that they needed to go home. Ian, Adam, Jason, Matt, and Rob. all left which left Me, Mitch, Jerome, Sam, and Preston.

"Jerome I think we should go film some pixelmon" Mitch says looking at Jerome.

"Ok Biggums" "see'ya Sam" Jerome says kissing her check.

"I have to go to. My flight leaves early." She says. she was going to visit her family back at home.

"Bye Bec" Mitch says giving me a kiss on the check.

"Bye Mitch"  Me and Preston say at the same time stuffing our faces in our ice-cream sandwich's.

Me and Preston talk for awhile. I Skype with him all the time so it wasn't awkward.

"Becca can I tell you something" He says nervously.

"Yeah sure" I say a little nervously. why did he sound nervous.

"I had the hugest crush on you Becca. But when I saw how much you and Mitch loved each other I was heartbroken." He says looking me straight in the eyes.

"Preston I'm sorry" I say giving him a friendly hug. "Preston your one of my best-friends. I don't know if I would have even dated you if you asked I would never want our friendship to end."

"Ok I just had to tell you that. I actually feel a lot better."

"Race ya to the water" I scream getting up and running into the water.

He got up right behind me and caught up to me fast. I look at him and give him an evil grin as I start to run faster. I make it to the water and he soon comes out of breath.

"Should we head home?" I ask as I yawn a little.

"Yeah let's go" He says as we walk back and grab our stuff. I put on my overcoat thing. Me and Preston made plans to record a new adventure map together some time.

"Yeah that sounds like a fun map" I say after he gets done explaining the map to me.

"Yeah I wanted to play it with you. I thought it would be fun"

We arrive at the house shortly after that and walk in. Adam, Ian, Rob, Matt and Jason were standing around in the kitchen talking. Jerome and Mitch must still be recording. Me and Preston walk into the Kitchen.          

"And then I walked into this dark roo-" Adam gets cut off by me saying. "What are you talking about?"

"Horror maps" Ian says.


Adam continues telling his scary story.

I walk upstairs and quietly walk into Mitch's room. "are you recording?" I mouth. He nods and I quietly leave.

I walk back downstairs and sit next to Ian.

"Hey Tuesday" I say and he looks up from his twitter.

"Rainbow-Murderer We meet again" He says as I laugh.

We act like enemies in our videos. Almost like SkyArmy VS Squids.  We think its really funny and our viewers do to.

"NO JEROME" I hear Mitch scream upstairs as they are recording. I sigh what did Jerome do now?

We all laugh as we hear Mitch yell at Jerome about Pixelmon.

"I have to go home guys." I say getting up and putting on my shoes.

"BAI" They all yell.

I walked home with my headphones in. I walk into the apartment and turn off my music. I throw my shoes off by the door and walk into my bedroom.

I set my bag on my bed and take the SD card out of my camera and upload all the footage from the beach onto my vlog channel.

I change into a Skydoesminecraft t-shirt, Jeans, a hoodie, and converse. I grab my Cannon Rebel and head out on a walk along with my phone and headphones.

I listen to my favorite songs as I walk around and take cool pictures. I am really into photography. I find myself by the beach and there is a beautiful sunset in the distance. I take a couple pictures and walk along the beach and continue to take pictures here and there.  

I walk through a little area that is like a mini-forest and take some cool pictures of the cool trees with the sunset and birds flying through the air.

I make my way back home and flop down onto the couch as soon as I shower and change into some PJ's and a topknot bun.  I go on Netflix and fall asleep on the couch.


Hey what do you think of the chapter?

Yeah I have nothing else to say.


Keep Eating Rainbows


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