Chapter 6

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I walk away and get in my car in complete shock. what just happened. I drive home and go to sleep. 


I wake up and check my phone.

3 New Messages

My phone says when I open it. I check the Messages: 2 from Mich 1 from Adam.'

I open Adams first  It says "want to record some Minecraft later??""

I open Mitch's " Are you okay??" "Never Mind I will leave you alone :("

I reply to Mitch's " Yes I am Fine :D Don't leave me alone friend I will be a loner"

I reply to Adam's " sure maybe but I'll just see what I'm up to later."

Mitch texts back" oh I'm glad your ok you seemed not that great when you left last night."

(to lazy to type so M=Mitch B=Becca)

B: about last night...

M: well I just wanted to be honest with you

B: wait so do you like me then

M: yeah :P

B: oh um cool...

M: what's wrong dood??

B: nothing it's just that...

M: you like Adam I totally get it

B:what no I don't like Adam he is nice and all but I like him as a friend

M: oh well can I come over

B: sure(enter address here)

M: k thanks be there in a bit

B: k bye


I open the door for Mitch "hey dood" he says with his hands in his pockets.

"hey come on in" I say pointing inside my Apartment. he walks in and I sit on the couch, then he sits next to me.


to tired to write more I will update soon. :P

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