Chapter 10

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Becca's POV

knock knock

I walk over to the door to answer it. who could that be. I open the door to see a short skinny girl. she has blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Hi" she says bubbly

"Hey" I say awkwardly.

"hey so I just moved here I was thinking it would be nice to know some of my neighbors" She says referring to me as the neighbor.

"Yeah come on in" I say opening the door wider.

"thanks" she says nodding her head a little and coming in and sitting next to me on the couch.

We sat in slience for awhile until she broke the silence." So you watch their videos" She says gesturing to my Bajan Canadian "NO PLZ" Shirt I had on.

I shrug my shoulders. "yeah I'm guessing you do to then"

"Yeah I really want to meet them" she says smiling

"oh by the way my name is Becca. what's yours I didn't catch it" I say

"oh my name is Sam" she says.

"So since you watch them do you play minecraft?"

"duh I was actually in a hunger games with Jerome and Mitch before." she says really excited

"Cool what's your minecraft name?" I ask her.


"mine is FluffyRainbowEater"  When I said that her mouth dropped to the ground.

"your the FluffyRainbowEater" she says shocked.

"Yeah" I say shrugging my shoulders.

" so your like best friends with the guys? "she asked

"well I guess you could say that" I say shrugging and continue" they are more like brothers to me"

"That is amazing I wish I could meet them sometime" she says.

Right when she says that Jerome and Mitch open the door and Jerome screams "The pope has arrived"

Me and Sam laugh our heads off while Mitch goes into the kitchen and grabs a mountain dew then plops down onto the couch next to me.

I introduce Sam to Jerome and Mitch and she is actually really cool.

She is from New York, She has watched Mitch and Jerome since the ASF days. also she is really funny and I feel like she will be an amazing friend.

Jerome went across the hall to Sam apartment. He was going to help her bring inside some of the heavier stuff that she had in the moving truck.

That left me and Mitch alone.

He sat on one side of the couch and I sat on the other.

"Grape" I say opening my mouth and he throws one towards my direction but bounced off my nose into my lap. Mitch and me both start laughing.

"Lets go do something Mitch I'm sooooooooooooooooo bored"

"ok like what"

"hmmmmm" I say scratching my chin making a very concentrated face. Mitch giggled at that.

"Minecraft" I yell jumping from my spot on the couch and running and grabbing our laptops. I handed Mitch his and we both logged on to our accounts.

we went onto the Nexus.MC and the chat just blew up with "OMG its Bajan'' and just lts of spam messages to him.

Me and Mitch start playing Hunger deams and we recorded a few of them.


I open a chest that has my third diamond in it. I grin evilly and say "Mitch guess what"

"Hmmmm" he says

"ive gots BETTY" I say excitedly

"GG Dood GG"

______________AFTER RECORDING HUNGER DEAMS______________________

"Hey I probably gots to go now see ya tomorrow right?"

 "Yeah i'm coming over tomorrow for the BBQ and pool parrrrrrittiiiiiiii" I say getting up and giving him a Good-Bye- Hug- friend- thing

"Hey maybe we should invite Sam to come" I suggest to Mitch asking for his opinion.

"Fine by me"

" see ya" I say waving to him. and he slightly waves back.



So next update will be the BBQ and Pool Party.

If you want a part in this book you can message me some information about your character and I might put them in the book.


Keep Eating Rainbows


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