Chapter 9

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Becca's POV

-the next day-

I walk into my apartment from going to Starbucks and throw my shoes off my feet.

After a while of just chilling out and watching YouTube videos some of the guys come over to hang out.

Mitch Jerome Jason And Adam are over. We are filming a Q and A for my volgging channel.

"first question is 'how did you meet the team crafted guys?'. I look at the guys and say. "well it was in Starbucks, I walked in line behind this one." I point at Adam and he smiles and continues my story. "Then she tapped me on my shoulder and asked if I was skydoesminecraft and I said yes"  we finish telling how we all meet and how I knew Mitch and Jerome way before.

I finish off my video...."If you want to subscribe to these dorks there link will be in the description below. Bai" We all say bye at the same time. I end the recording.

-Later that Night all the guys left except Mitch-

Me and Mitch sat on the couch looking at some of the other questions on twitter that we didn't answer. I lied my head on his shoulder while scrolling through twitter on my phone.

I would ask Mitch a question and then he would ask me one.

"Do you have a crush on anyone" Mitch asked reading off a question.

"Nope"  I say popping the P. I was obviously lying I kind of liked him.

He looks at me knowing that I was lying. "OK fine I like someone but I wont tell you" I say noticing the look he gave me.

"ok but I will find out..."

"how...wait Mitch stop" I say while he starts tickling me 

"Tell me then" he says still tickling me.

"Fine" I sigh what am I suppose to say  I like you Mitch yeah because that wont be awkward.

"I like uhhh........." I think of what I should say "Jason" I finish

"ohh" mitch says "I could find a way to set you guys up."

"No Mitch don't please" I say as he takes out his phone and starts texting Jason.

"why not you like him don't you?"

I sigh and slouch back on the couch "no" I mummer quietly.

he looks at me waiting for me to tell him who it is.

"Wait a second its Adam isn't it?" I shake my head to the side. "Jerome" I continue shaking my head until he is done naming almost anybody he can think of. He gives me a confused look. "I give up just tell me plz" he says.

"fine it's....." my phone starts to ring and I answer it.

"Hello" I answer the phone

"uhhh...hey" my ex boyfriend Justin replies.

"so uhh how have you been" he asks breaking the silence


"cool so I was just wondering do you want to be friends again maybe someday we can date again" He ask me.

Mitch could hear the whole conversation since he was sitting right there. he grabs my phone and says. "Sorry she has a Boyfriend" Mitch says saving me from the awkwardness. (is that a word idk whatever)

After that my Justin hung up on me. "Thanks for saving me there Mitch" I say hugging him.



Sorry it kind of boring. But here it is. I really have nothing to say. so.....


Keep Eating Rainbow.


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