Chapter 20

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Becca’s POV

We get closer to the beach as walking and I decide I should vlog our adventure at the beach.

“Hey guys so we are headed to the beach right now.” I say as I hold my camera facing towards me.

“I’m here with all these people.” I say then point the camera at the guys who all wave at the camera. Jerome does his ‘Jerome-face’ Mitch and Adam both did a derp face. Sam did a peace sign.

“Yeeeah” I say pointing the camera back to me and tell them that Matt, Rob, and Preston just flew in.

I turn off the vlogging camera after a little bit and slip it back into my bag. Mitch, Jerome and Matt were ahead of me so I ran to catch up to them and hopped onto Mitch’s back which caused him to almost fall over.

“Did I scare you” I ask as he gives me a piggyback-ride.

“pshtt nooo what are you talking about scared” Mitch.

“Yeah what are we a bunch of babies?” Jerome says.

“Jerome did you remember to change your diaper” Matt says as we all start laughing.

We continue walking…well I rode on Mitch’s back but they continued walking. We get closer to the beach and we all start running towards it.  

I hop down off Mitch and grab his hand.

“LEZ GO” Mitch screams pointing towards the beach.

We all slow down ounce we get to the beach we set down our stuff and lay out our towels. I take out my vlogging camera again and continue the vlog.

“Ok so we just got here and look it’s so pretty” I say pointing the camera towards the ocean.

“Guys let’s all run into the water” I suggest

“1….”Jason says.

“2….”Rob says

“3…”everyone shouts and runs towards the water.

When we get in the water we start splashing the water at each other laughing our heads off like idiots.  

We all swam for while then we decided to go to the Beach Nook and get some food. We pretty much all got a different kind of ice-cream. I got a frezzie pop.

Mitch got Cotton Candy Ice-cream.

“Mitch you got something on your nose.” I say pointing to his nose.

“OH is it gone” He ask rubbing his nose with his arm.

“No it’s right there” I say and smashing his ice0cream cone into his nose. The guys watched and laughed.

“Wow Mitch how could you fall for that” Preston said laughing

“Yeah dood that’s the oldest trick in the book” Ian says laughing.

Mitch makes a fake pouty face as I run off before he gets me back.  I turn around while I’m running and stick my tongue out at him. I see a smile appear on his face when I turned around.

Preston’s POV

When I first meet Becca over Skype I instantly had a crush on her but now she and Mitch are dating. I have been trying to move on and get over her but I just can’t.

When I saw how happy she was with Mitch it made my heartbreak. I can’t let the guy’s notice that I’m upset so I try my best to be happy. I wish I could just tell her how I feel but I can’t. I can’t hurt Mitch like that. He’s one of my best friends.  

I was having fun while I was on the trip so far. But a part inside of me was broken. “Preston did you hear me?” Rob says.

“No sorry” I say.

“Do you want any ice-cream?”

“Sure” I say smiling and going over to the Beach Nook with Rob and Matt.

Becca’s POV

We are all sitting around in the sand discussing who we were going to bury first.

“Ok who wants to get buried first?” I ask.

“ME” Jason screams.

“Ok guys lets burry em’” Sam says with an evil grin on her face.

We dug a deeeeeeeeeep hole in the ground and told him to stand in it. We covered him with sand.

“Ok see ya’ later man” Adam waved as we walked back over by our stuff.

“Guys? Guys? You aren’t just leaving me are you?” Jason screams.

“Yeah that’s was actually the plan.” Jerome says.

We went back over by him and unburied him.

Matt and Rob both helped him out of the hole.

“Gee thanks guys” Jason says wiping the sand off his shorts.

Hope you guy’s liked the chapter. More beach fun in the next chapter.

What do you think of the Wattpad layout?? I honestly don’t like it but that’s just my opinion.

Keep commenting in the chapter labeled CONTEST.


Keep Eating Rainbows


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