Chapter 7

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Becca's POV

" Can we just forget that I know" I ask him sitting next next to him on the couch.


"Movie Night?" I ask Mitch hopping up from the couch and going to turn on the TV.

"Ok!! What Movie should we watch"

" Hmmm" I say scratching my chin like I have a beard. I hear Mitch kind of chuckle at that.

"Netflix might have some good stuff" Mitch says grabbing the blue-ray remote and putting it on Netflix.

We go onto the "top 10 for you" List and there was 1 movie that stood out to me called. letter to God. I read the description of it and looked at Mitch and gave him a look kind of like do you want to watch this movie. He nods his head.

I run into the kitchen screaming " I'll get the popcorn' what kind of Pop do you want" 

" Root beer and ice cream plzzzz" He yells back getting the movie set up.

I put the popcorn in a bowl and make up Root beer floats. "Hey I'm gonnna go put on pajamas"


I change into my pajamas aka a pair of lounge pants and an old t-shirt. I grab a blanket  to lay down on the couch with.

I sit on the couch next to Mitch and get snuggled in with the blanket. I lean my head against his shoulder when the movie starts and about half way through the movie I slowly started to drift off to sleep.

I wake up the next morning exactly where I fell asleep right next to Mitch except he's not there. I get up and walk into the kitchen where Mitch is standing in the fridge and grabs some eggs.

" Here" I say handing him a pan to make the eggs in

"tanks dood"

"hey want to go to Starbucks later??" I ask him grabbing a glass and the jug of milk.

" ok maybe some of the guys can come right"

" No" I say seriously.

"But--" he starts

"of course they can come Mitch clam yourself man" I hear him giggle.

"why you laughing is it because I am a turtle don't make fun of my turtlness" I say running into the living room and jumping onto the couch. I hear him laughing even more.

" I'm just going into my shell then" I say covering myself with the blanket on the couch.


Yeah whatcha thinking so far good bad horrible decide in the comments.


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