Chapter 22

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Becca's POV

Later that week

I wake up and do normal morning stuff normal people do. I set my laptop on my lap as I sit down on my bed with my phone next to me on my nightstand. I look at the time. 9:30 a.m. I go onto my editing software and start editing my videos I have filmed. I take my SD card out of my Cannon Rebel and put them in a video-slideshow thing.

I here my ringtone go off which is 'New World' By Adam. Yeah I love that song. I look at the screen and see it says. Justin </3. Also I had never changed the picture ID and it was a picture of him and me hugging.

I sit and debate if I should answer it or not. I hit the ignore button and throw my phone next to me. I sigh. He has tried calling me forever and I feel bad for ignoring it but he tried kissing me last time I saw him.

 I get a text from Adam.

"Hey Come over we have stuff to discuss. Bring Sam to plz??"

"OK we are on our way" I text back as I walk out of my apartment and knock on Sam's door.

"Come" I say and grab her arm and drag her out.

"Becca where are you taking me" She says.

"To the guy's they said we have things to discuss" I reply.

"Can I please put shoes on first" She says slightly laughing.

"Woops" I reply smiling.

We arrive at the guy's house within 5 minutes.

"We're here" I say swinging the door open.

"Hi" the guy's say.

 "ok what do we need to discuss" Sam ask sitting next to Jerome. I walk over by Mitch and sit by him.

"Well are planning a trip." Jason says.

"Where to" Me and Sam both say excitedly.

"Why are you so excited we were just going to ask you to watch the dogs?" Adam says jokingly.

"But you don't have any dogs" Sam says correcting Adam.

"congratulations Jerome you have a smart girl friend." Mitch says as we all laugh.

"For real though where are we going?" I ask

"we are trying to decide between the UK or the Bahamas." Adam says getting up and going into the kitchen.

"I like the UK." Sam says.

"You've been there before?" Jerome says.

"Yeah I studied there for 2 years in high school. I was super fun and I would love to go back."

"The UK it is." I say as Adam returns into the living room with a bag of chips.

"Adam come here quick" I say as he walk towards me. I quickly take a handful of chips and shove them in my mouth.

"Congratulations Mitch your girlfriend is very lady like." Jerome says. everyone laughs including me.

My phone rings and I sigh as I see who it is. I press ignore and slip it back into my pocket.

"Who be calling you?" Jason asks.

"Justin" I say as I roll my eyes.

" I heard he left LA and went back home." Ian says. 

"Yeah he did." Jason says.

"I need to go get some air." I say getting up and walking out the backdoor into the backyard.

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