Lou Ellen/Mrs. Stoll

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"What do you mean that the package was sent a month ago?!" I complained over the phone, almost whining "Of course I never received it, or I wouldn't be calling to complain!" Seriously, the people on support don't have an ounce of logic in them! "Yes, I'll go find out what happen to it, what was the name of the courier service? Is that with double L or one? Yes, thank you" I hung up, groaning in exasperation.

"They lost your tools again?" I heard behind me to see Katie looking mildly confused.

"Worst. They lost a one-of-a-kind trick that my Dad was sending me as my birthday present..." I explained and she gasped in surprise "He's coming here next week and I'm sure he'd like to see it, but I cannot show it to him if I don't have it..." I finished, upset "Now, I have to lose a morning talking to a courier service that probably will say 'we had delivered the package' in that nonsense little voice..."

"And they will sound like a kids' cartoon with high-pitched voice?" Katie moved away from my pillow, giggling at me "Could be worst... What do you think your Dad will say if you don't have it?" I thought the answer before giving one.

"Worst case scenario, he could get upset his trick in wring hands. Best case scenario, he could laugh it up and say he'd build me a new one..." I said after a while "As whiny as I sound, I don't want another one! It was the trick Dad impressed Mom!" Katie placed a hand on my shoulders, soothingly.

"It'll be alright... All you have to do is go to the manager tomorrow and demand they tell you where is the package..." she reasoned. I agreed with her, but there was something else bothering me, thought I couldn't actually place my finger on it.


The next morning, I was standing outside the courier central base without Katie (wanted to come for moral support, but couldn't skip work) trying to rein my temper and my frustration tears. I really wanted this to be over. Sighing, I walked inside and saw that there was no one on sight, not customers nor assistants. Great... I walked to the counter and rang the bell that was there, hoping someone would come out.

"One moment, please!" A female voice shouted from inside, making me wait a bit longer. I began to pace around, the words in repeat from my lips, because I wanted to get this over with. When I turned to see the counter again, a woman in her mid forty-early fifties was there, sporting the company's uniform. She had long curly hair, tied up in a low ponytail. Her face was wrinkly, but she didn't seem to mind, as she was smiling genuinely at me. Her brown eyes had a spark that I had seen before, but I couldn't place where "Yes, can I help you, dear?"

"Um..." This woman's kindness was the least I expected, normally used to see rude teenagers "I want to see the manager, please" I added at the end, because I thought it was polite to do so. The woman smiled and nodded.

"You're in luck today, as I'm the manager"

"That's- that's great!" I admitted, smiling a little "Um, I wanted to know the location of a package. I had called the company that was suppose to send it, but they told me to talk to you... It was suppose to be sent a month ago, it was from my father-"

"Say no more, dear" she interrupted me, gently "I know how my sons are when they don't receive a package from me, they go insane" she told me, nodding. She allowed me to walk to the other side of the counter and took me down the storage part of the store, checking different aisles and dates. At one point, I couldn't handle it anymore.

"Excuse me, but have we met before? I'm sure I know you from somewhere and it's killing me not to know from!" I blurted out at her, blushing a it at the end. She chuckled and shrugged.

"People say I have a common face, apparently..." she spoke up, from up a ladder "Though, one guy once told me he thought I was going to steal his wallet... Steal him, can you believe that?" She continued to chuckle, but that had ignited something in my brain, making me gasp.

"You're Connor's Mom!" She turned to face me, shocked as well.

"I knew your last name sounded familiar!" she snapped her fingers, smiling happily "You're dating my youngest!"

"Lou Ellen, nice to finally meet you, Mrs. Stoll" I pulled out my hand to shake, but she grabbed me in a hug, that I was kind of force to return.

"Oh, quit that nonsense of Mrs. Stoll. One, I'm not that old and two, Mrs. Stoll is my mother. You can call me-" The tender moment was interrupted and ruined by a loud and wide horn-like sound that covered whatever she said. I surely haven't learnt how to read lips yet, so I just nodded with a smile "Now, let's find your father's package and I'll tell you some stories that I'm sure Connor haven't told you about himself..."

"Now, I wish Katie would had come..." I giggled, thinking about the stories she could had learnt about Travis when he was younger. She started at me, confused while I explained "Travis' girlfriend, Katie, is a friend of mine as well... She wanted to come and support me today, but she had to work..."

"So, that's the famous Katie I've been hearing nothing but praises about? Working over lazying around, I like that girl already... Of course, those two rascals I call sons took it too much after their father's burglar abilities... Tried to reign them as much as I could when they were younger, but nature is untamable..."

"Tell me about it..."

Oh, I'm liking this woman already!


Hello, fan fiction lovers!

The first thing I'd like to do is to apologize for my absence last month... I had returned from a really horrible vacation with my family (Mom got sick, then me, horrible hotels and lame/forgetful attractions), I had no intentions of writing anything... After that, August became tougher and tougher and I proposed to catch up with all my stories and post first weekend of September...

Also, I'd like to wish a be-late Happy Back To School to the ones that already started. I've been on your shoes and I know school ain't easy or enjoyable sometimes, but it's a must...

Alright, enough with the sappy! We're here for something else! Stories! (Also, I'd like to address a reviewer's comment about reading my stories somewhere else. Yes. I have accounts in Wattpad, FanFiction, Quotev and Penana. I will have to update the last two, since the former two are my favorite ones. Anywhere else, IS NOT MINE)

Mortals, Meet... the In-Laws: 4 chapters! Clarisse, Katie, Travis and Lou meet their in-laws!

Characters, Meet... Characters: 4 chapters! Not even mentioning, you will discover it!

Percy Jackson, son of Chaos: 4 chapters plus Epilogue! (Proper thank you note there)

Mate?! Ain't Australian, Buddy!!: 4 chapters! I apologize for some of the plot, can be trigging or too violent for some readers...

IMPORTANT NEWS! The story Rise of Ouranos will be rewritten, as my collaborator LordNitro, decided not to continue with the story. I appreciate you all for you patience.

This will be all for this week! See you guys next Sunday!

xoxo, SilverHuntresses

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