Valentina Diaz/Darren Knowles

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Shopping is super fun!

That, combined with my other favorite thing in the world, made this trip mega hyper great!

I was shopping for Hallowe'en stuff!

I was planning on making the most scary, yet stylish Hallowe'en Camp Half-Blood had ever seen, and for that, I need to shop for materials and some accessories that would allow me to transform the usually dull and boring cabins in great and terrifying Haunted Houses... Oh, I need to speak to Chiron if he can allow a tour to scare everyone! Oh, I'm so excited!

So, I begged (I'm not ashamed into claiming I did) Chiron and Argus to take me to New York City to buy several stuff that I couldn't find at Camp, like a hot glue gun. My stack has been very low since I decided to charge Camp for my DIY accessories and modifications. And I need plenty of that if I want to make this Hallowe'en epic! Oh, shiny washi tape! Take that too!

I promised Chiron I'd not buy lot of stuff, but I never did say how many of each stuff I was going to buy, so technically I hope he's not upset when he sees the back of the van. Everything inspired me and what can be a designer without inspiration? Unlike my siblings, I not only can embellish things Iwear, but others and stuff. My bestie Kayla says that I'd make a great interior designer someday.

I always argue with her and tell her I want to have a designer emporium. Clothes, furniture, decoration...

Take that, Armani!

I was coming out of the first store, hoping I had bought enough to decorate and I hadn't forgotten anything, when I realized that I wasn't even carrying much stuff and that the shop helper had left me in the middle of the street with all my shopping, not even helping me put the things into the van! People are so rude! I know Daddy didn't raise me like that!

"Rude! I hope your boss had seen it!" I yelled to the side he walked away, huffing and looking around, upset.

"Need a hand, miss?" I turned to see a man with curly red hair and a tan skin, but with a soft smile. He didn't look dangerous and Argus was right next to me, helping as well, so I was in no danger.

"Uh, sure..." I appreciated the help, smiling softly. The man, who probably had my Daddy's age, smiled softly and helped me put my bags into the van "Thanks so much!"

"Not a problem, miss... Oh, and you can't tell your father not to worry... I have a daughter too and I know I'd freak out if a stranger my age walked to help my daughter too..." he added at the end, making me frown a little. I turned to see Argus, who shrugged and I understood that the helpful man thought he was my Daddy. I started to chuckled. Poor Argus...

"Oh, sir! Argus is not my Daddy, he's my Uncle!" I lied quickly, though it wasn't completely a lie. Argus was a quiet 'uncle'. The man shared a look between us and smirked.

"So, that's the famous Argus...?" The tone of voice he used was strange, as if he knew something I didn't "Kayla'd mentioned him once or twice..." My eyes opened big, noticing who I was talking to.

"Mr. Knowles? You're Kayla's Dad?"

"Other Dad, but yeah... I am, and you are...?"

"Oh, I'm so glad to meet you, sir!" I grabbed his hand and started to shake it with energy "I'm Valentina Diaz, a friend of Kayla! She had told me so much about you!" I could see how understanding was sinking to him, the frown and questioning look being replaced with a genuine smile. He grabbed my hands and shook them with energy too.

"I have heard so much about you too, Valentina-"

"Please, sir... I insist you call me Tina... Valentina is too mouthful, even though I understand why my mother named me like that..."

"In that case, I insist you call me Darren... Mr. Knowles makes me feel too much old..." he joked and I chuckled with him "Doing some Hallowe'en shopping?"

"I'm planning to convince everyone into doing a Haunted Mansion tour around Camp" was my reply, looking at the amount of bag I had bought "I just hope I had bought enough, I would hate to make Argus come back for little things I had forgotten..."

"Well, I'm in the city for business, and I had planned to call Kay to see me tomorrow, would you mind an old man to accompany you in your shopping?" he offered me. With anyone else, I'd had refuse flatly and git into the van, before asking Argus to beat him to pulp, but this was different. He was Kay's Dad and I have only heard wonderful things about him.

"Only if you would allow me to buy you some coffee" I smirked. He laughed and nodded.

"You have a little deal, Tina" I chuckled too, before I told Argus that I might take longer, so I suggested that he would go back with the van and I'd take a taxi back. Immediately, I thought we could surprised Kayla when I returned, so I insisted until Argus left with my shopping "What were you saying to him?"

"Oh, I was saying that we would go back in a taxi, so we can surprise Kayla" I smiled at him. He perked up immediately and nodded.

I cannot wait to see my best friend's face when she sees me arriving with her father!


As I have mentioned before, I haven't had the time or the opportunity of getting my hands onto a copy of The Hidden Oracle or any of the Trials of Apollo series book... which leads me to apologize if my interpretation of both Valentina and Mr. Knowles is very OOC. I'd accept critics about this, but I want to keep what I have said in mind when you do, OK?


Hello, guys!

First of all, I'd like to apologize for my absence last weekend... I had had a very complicated and personal charged weekend and, to culminate, last Sunday was Mother's Day (a really really be late happy Mother's Day to all out there) in Argentina. I wasn't able, I wasn't inspired nor I wanted to write something, so I decided not to. I hope you can understand...

Today, and if you're from my home country and are older than 16, I wish you all good luck when voting. I don't like getting political, so I won't. The 'good luck' I just mentioned is because I hate waiting in line for hours or that is there someone incompetent on the tables or that you get trapped into the table. So, good luck missing all that.

Today, I have a few announcements plus some explanations. The explanations, on the respective chapter. The announcements, keep reading:

Mortals, Meet... the In-Laws: 3 chapters! I feel bad dropping this bomb to you, but I feel a little un-inspired to write it, not because I hate the story- I actually like it very much -, but because I have no idea if you like it. So, I'd like your opinions on it and, if I don't get any ideas from you or me by the end of December, I will stop the story and focus on another one... Deal?

Characters, Meet... Characters: 3 chapters! Similar to In-Laws up, but different at the same way, the only thing that's stopping me here is.... THE CHARACTERS! Seriously, guys! I have run out of characters to write and I don't wanna go back to the same books series again. I take ideas, preferable from books and not comic books. I get confused with all those different story lines in the same universe. So, please, please, give me something to work with, or I'd do the same that I'll do with In-Laws: I will finish it by December

Guys, I really really don't want to finish these two stories, because I know there's so much undiscovered plot and characters we don't know! Let's play with that, but I won't do so until you tell me if you want to.

Mate?! Ain't Australian, Buddy!!: 2 chapters! Unlike the other two, this story will end when it ends, so no troubles here.

I wanna remind all that read my collab with Hugs6 called How I Met My Brother is in HIATUS, but still being written, OK? On that same note, next weekend is Heroesinmyfanfiction and Hugs6 b-day, so pay attention! A present is on its way!!

Take care, guys!

xoxo, SilverHuntresses

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