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Malcolm owes me a big one, right now!

We agreed that this was not the way to meet them, yet, he drops the bomb without warning and I'm suppose to be OK with it?! Urgh, is in moments like this that I want to behave Leo's powers to roast him to the ground! He makes me sooo mad!! Although... I could ask him... No, Nyssa! You love him, remember?!

Though, I will admit that I have not much love for him at the moment...

"Take a deep breath, Nyssa..." I encouraged myself. What I was doing was nothing minor, it was big! "You can do it and everything will be alright..." I repeated to myself-that had been my mantra all morning, it's not that bad, right? Soon, I'm at the reception, talking to the clerk "I want the key to the 500th floor" I announced. I was soon met by the familiar look of 'are you nuts?'

"Young lady, there's no such thing as the 500th floor..." I sighed and shook my head.

"Look, I don't have time for this..." I admitted, getting closer to him "Either you let me up or you're the one explaining to Lady Athena that her 10am date is gonna miss their appointment..." Apparently, threatening with Athena worked, because the clerk looked like if he had an accident between his pants.

"Here" he handed me the key "Remember, be alone" I nodded at him, grabbing the key and heading to the elevator. I waited until the last person was out before pulling out the key and going straight to Olympus. With each seconds that passed, I was more and more nervous. I think I did wrong in asking Percy some advice...

"Alright, Nyssa... One foot in front of the other and control your temper, please..." I chanted, while getting out of the elevator. I was known for my bad temper at Camp, and I wasn't gonna risk it this time, as I could be evaporated or worst... turned into an owl.

"Nyssa?" I turned towards the voice to noticed that my father was standing on my path, walking slowly "Well, this is a surprise..."

"Hello, father..." I greeted him back, smiling shyly. Correction, I wasn't shy at my own father, I was nervous at my next meeting!

"You're here to see Athena, I pressume..." he said, surprising me "Everyone is that nervous about meeting Athena alone for the first time. You're not the first one and you won't be the only one..."

"I don't think that's much of a comforting thought..." I argued, well... more like I pointed out. He simply shrugged.

"You must be Nyssa..." A voice said behind me. I had no more option that to turn around and face the person-in this case, goddess-that spoke the words. She was wearing a simple white greek dress, up to her ankles, of course, showing her golden sandals. She had no jewelry on her and he hairdo was a simple high ponytail, leaving her curly honey blonde hair to go over her shoulders. I forced myself to bow, as I was in some kind of shock.

"L-Lady Athena..." I stuttered. I... stuttered?!

"Be nice with the kid, Athena..." Father came to my rescue, standing eye to eye to Athena "She had done no harm to you..."

"We shall see that..." Athena replied, before turning around and walking away. Clearly wanting me to follow her, I bowed quickly to my father and followed after her, trying to catch my breath in the process "You seem out of shape, daughter of Hephaestus..."

"I- That could be true, Milady..." I panted a little "We're marathoners, not sprinters..." I could sense her eyes on me.

"Interesting analogy, young lady..." she sounded impress. Did I just impress her? Nah, that's impossible, she doesn't impress easily "I assume you know why are you here..."

"Yeah..." I started to get thing out of my bag, trying to find what I needed to show her "Malcolm asked me to show you these blueprints... To be completely honest with you, I don't understand what they mean and I have read Leo's handwriting!"

"So, you have no idea why you're here" she concluded, leaving me confused. Why would I be here if I didn't know why I was here? "I'd admit to say that Malcolm tricked you today to come..."

"What? He would never-" But one look at Athena's face to know she wasn't kidding with me "That- urgh! I'm gonna kill him when I get back!" I swore, not for real, of course, but I was really angry right now!

"That would elude the reason of why are you here..." I raised an eyebrow, waiting for the rest of the explanation "Malcolm understood pretty well that I don't do meetings with mortals without no reason, and sending me an invitation of an event I wasn't going to be in it seemed a waste of energy and time and money that I don't require-"

"Pardon me for being rude, but would you mind telling me why I'm here?" I demanded, getting frustrated. Athena simply nodded and kept walking. I had to follow her again, not saying a word.

"The reason you're here is simply to know you and if we, um... How did Malcolm worded it? Ah, 'get along'..."

"That's it? This is a bonding day with my boyfriend's mother?" My eyebrow must had disappeared with my hair line, because it couldn't go higher "Why he couldn't just say something like that!"

"Maybe he thought you wouldn't agree to this... or me, for that matter..."

"I just have one question for you..." She waited until I grasped the bravery I needed to make the question "Is it true that you send Percy on a quest only to annoy him and that you knew he and your daughter were engaged since they were twelve?" Instead of replying, she gives me an enigmatic smile and keeps walking.

Oh, yeah... She's one to watch over, just in case...


Hello, guys!

Normally, I wouldn't do this, since I have a regular A/N on Sundays' post, but I require this channel to let you know about a little something...

A friend/writer/roleplay buddy, with the username Purely_Half_Dragon (I bet some of you know him) has started a fund to earn money for a new computer. Is his goal to get one before going to college in March. I'd like for all of you to pass around this fund's site (https://www.gofundme.com/Laptop-for-College-Fund) and, if you cannot because you're young, or you don't have enough money to donate, please, share it with your friends and relatives. When you do, add the #DonateForSean

It will take only a few minutes of your time and he would be more than grateful that you're sharing it around...

Thanks for listening!

Mortals: Meet... the In-Laws!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt