Frank Zhang/Pluto

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"General, the situation is impossible!" One of the privates under my command complained. I rolled my eyes and kept placing my gear up "The rain won't help us and the hostiles could be waiting for us!" The Hell with this little coward...

"Hear up, Private Ryan-" Don't go there now... "Those man die serving our country, your country, they deserve a proper burying!" I spoke up, so everyone could hear me "No one is forcing you to come and no one would be looked down for this! But your brothers need you and I'll pay the respects they deserve!"

"Let me join you, General!" One private I've never seen stepped forward and saluted me. I nodded, as he was already dressed with all the gear and we headed the way were the bodies were "You seem to have done this before, General..." he pointed out, sounding a little timid.

"I've done this more times that I can count, Private..." I admitted, trying to see through the rain. I wished I could turn into an animal, but with him around, I simply cannot "It ain't pretty but unfortunately someone has to do it..."

"Would you have gone alone, if no one decided to join you, sir?" I wanted to chuckle at this kid's curiosity. It reminded me of Lee, somehow. But I needed my focus.

"I honestly would rather go alone, but since we have lots of men this time, I was needing some help..." I looked at him, or tried to, thanks to the heavy rain. He had black hair and, despite being in a very tropical area, he was skinny pale, with dark eyes. I know I had seen him somewhere, but I cannot place my finger exactly "What made you decided to come with me...?"

"I guessed that if I joined you, they would stop making fun of me..." I stopped him, checking around before nodding to continue "The Army wasn't my first choice, I honestly thought they'd kick me out for having ADHD..."

"That'd be stupid..." I snorted, smirking through my muddy face "I have ADHD as well and they never made it an issue..."

"You, sir? You don't act like it, sir... It wasn't my intention, sir..." he apologized, still following my lead.

"You were never in my unit, were you Private?" I checked with him. I thought I would remember someone like this in my team.

"N-no, sir... I'm with General Fitzpatrick, sir..." I nodded, acknowledging that "General didn't seem to mind that I joined you now..."

"Oh, don't worry about that... I'll deal with Fitzpatrick when we go back" I assured him. I never liked Fitzpatrick in the first place, which would be a good opportunity to say a few 'nasty things' in his face, like Sammy would say. Gods, I miss those kids... "Stop" I saw him stop at command, while I walked closer and checked if my vision was correct.

Correctly, I saw the bodies of the soldiers that sadly passed away in yesterday's battle.not a sight for everyone.

"They were so young..." the Private muttered softly and I simply nodded. I knew that carrying them back with us was an impossible task. My first idea, if I was alone was to bury them on the ground, with several coins, like traditions tells. I didn't know if I could do the same with the Private here "They're so many, General... What shall we do...?"

"Got any quarters on your pockets, Private?" The look he gave me was enough for me to think he thought I was crazy. Surprisingly, he got his hand in his pockets and pulled out a small mountain of coins. I raised an eyebrow, but kept quiet upon that discovery. So, I decided to take a chance here "Here's what we'll do: we'll drag them away from the fire line and placed a few quarters on their mouths-"

"Sir, I thought you were American..." the Private interrupted me, with no malice intended.

"First of all, I'm Canadian" I started, grabbing the feet of one soldier and dragging him the other way "Second, I have both Chinese and Greek roots, which I had adopted according to the situation. And fairly, it doesn't matter to the place this guys are going..." I finished, looking slightly sad.

"Where are they going, sir?" The way he said that made me had a spark of inspiration and gave him the coins back.

"They're going with you, father-in-law..." I smirked at him. In front of my eyes, I saw how the appearance of the Private morphed into a taller figure, with hood and paler skin. His clothes were a dark cloak and one of his hands showed off a skull ring, just like Nico's. Pulling his hood down, he looked surprised at me.

"When did you figured it out...?"

"The way you were asking things... You sounded too timid to be a Private" I shrugged, not really caring "Besides, no one seemed to stopped you before, which meant they were tricked into thinking y weren't there or they couldn't stop someone they didn't know... The last nail in the coffin was when you mentioned Fitzpatrick... Because he's not here" I pointed out, smirking at the end.

"I should have checked it before, shouldn't I?" Pluto checked with me and I nodded.

"Yes, you should have. Now, the important question is... Are you spying on me?" I wondered to him. Have I done something wrong?

"Half of it" he explained, looking more somber "Let's just say that I got two very insistent begs to know their Daddy was alright" Lee and Sammy...

"I never thought I'd say this... But is Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, bending over his own laws because of his grandchildren?" I could swear he was blushing, but I'd never admit that... I could end up dead myself.

"You'll not utter a word. About this to anyone?" I gestured around, still smirking.

"Only the dead will know this..."


In memory of all those who have fallen and in memory of those who hasn't serving their country, men and women. I know is not Veteran's Day, but I saw it fit. The Gods bless them all, wherever they are...



Hello, guys!

First, I wanna apologize for not posting last weekend, but I had some troubles at home and they required my attention. But, this means we're in July and I had promised lots of things for the new month, so I'll break them down for you all!

New Stories! Yes, as you read, I'll be posting two stories from now on, Character: Meet... Character (honestly, I never thought you guys would love that story so much that you asked me for 2 spin-offs and a sequel!) and Mate?! Ain't Australian, Buddy!! (name would be open to change, but I couldn't think of anything cooler than that).

This force me to tell you that, even though I plan to update every weekend, I might not be able to do it from all the stories I have, so I ask for patience... The new stories are in my profile, go check them.

Also, I wrote two special chapters (requested by my friend ObeliskX). Since I had two, I'll post one in Mortals: Meet... the In-Laws and one in Percy Jackson, son of Chaos (also, I've been in contact with Mjavery9, former collab of mine in that story and he likes what I'm doing with that story... Also, he is writing his own story, go check it up!)

Well, I'll be posting too much today, hope you have time to read all!!

xoxo, SilverHuntresses

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