Laurel Victor/Hypnos

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I was growing frustrated, but I could not show it.

I had to show that I was the best loser ever of the cabin. And I was going to win that.

What had happened? Well, turns out we had made a wrong alliance before playing capture-the-flag. While I was voicing loudly that we should align with Annabeth and the Athena Cabin, Holly totally ignored me and claimed we had to make an alliance with the Ares Cabin. Normally, that would lead into an argument between us that, unfortunately for me, Holly won.

We aligned with Ares Cabin.

We lost capture-the-flag.

The good news was that we could be redeem next week, by aligning ourselves to other cabins, principally Athena.

The best news was that the Roman weren't when we were playing, or that would have been really embarrassing for us.

The bad news was that everyone was sour when it was time for bed.

I was turning in bed, not really being able to sleep. I don't know if it was the stress for the loss, the desire of choke my own sister or my blind obsession into winning, but all I was sure was that I couldn't even sleep!

One goal at the time, Laurel... I thought to myself, First sleep, then planning for capture-the-flag...


I woke up the next morning, a little more distracted than normal.

Why would I say that? Well, mainly because Nike's kids don't faze their eyes off the prize until they get it, and I was anywhere but with my head in the game. Cheesy, I know, but it's the best way to describe how should I be. I had the weirdest dream and I only knew of a person that could help me to understand them.

Not even caring what others might think, earning me the medal of 'I only care about me', I visited Clovis and his siblings. As always, the kids were asleep. All of them. So, and since I had no time to waste, I poured a glass of water on Clovis' face, whose eyes opened like if I had poured hot oil over him.

"What the Hades, woman?! You don't wake up someone like that!" Whatever he was dreaming about, must be good to shout at me like that. Luckily, no one else had woken up by his screams.

"Good morning to you too" I greeted him, crossing my arms on my chest "You know I wouldn't be here if I had a plan-"

"Last time you had a plan, Paolo and I were dragged into your rivalry with Holly. I refuse to participate!" he interrupted me. I tried not to blush, knowing that what he had said was true. I didn't want to acknowledged it, but I owed them big.

"It's not a plan!" I whispered yelled at him, somehow embarrassed. He stared at me, eager for me to continue "I- I had a weird dream and I wanted your help to understand it..." He raised an eyebrow, but stayed quiet "At first, I thought it was real, because it was a capture-the-flag situation and I was fighting some campers. One of them wound me and I think I'm dead, which would normally wake me up, but this time, the dream went on, as if it was a video game..."

"How many times did you 'died' before waking up?" he asked, not sure if paying attention or what.

"Like five, why?"

"Did you always started on the same point or did you appeared in the last place you were killed...?" I thought it for a second, before realizing of two things.

One, my dream always killed me in the same spot and woke me not far away.

Two, I could remember clearly my dream. Not snippets or fragments. The whole thing!

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