Thalia Grace/Mary Castellan

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"Are you really sure about this, Thalia?" Phoebe's voice besides me made me snap of my current line of thinking.

"Sure about what?" I asked her, honestly confused about what she was asking. Sure, we talk about a lot of things everyday, so I tend to get confused about many of them. But I saw what she wanted to say the second I saw her eyes sparkle in worry "We've talked about this, Phoebe. It's the right thing to do..."

"To visit the mother of the man-" she spatted the word out, like if it was a curse "-that tried to kill every single living creature because he thought he knew better?"

"Right line of thinking, wrong line of action" I replied as an automaton. Sure, I didn't agree with almost genocide of lost of people nor I agree that siding with Kronos was a good strategic move, but I thought the lesson of the gods being assholes was being understood. I just thought things could had been handled better. Like Hermes actually speaking with Luke. Maybe that would had made him think...


"Please, Phoebe" I stopped her, standing up to see her. The rest of the Hunters stopped pretending they weren't listening to actual listening "Let me do this, I need some closure and I won't have it until Mary Castellan knows her son will never be able to come back to her..." I explained to her, the plead in my eyes "If not for my mental health, for hers. The woman went batshit when she tried to force the Spirit of Delphi inside of her, after conceiving"

"Sacrilege!" A Hunter murmured softly.

"The woman has been pronouncing Luke's death since he was one year and that drove his away from the gods" I didn't want to go down that road again, me justifying Luke's actions, so I straightened myself "Maybe she'd get closure too..."

Phoebe didn't bothered me after that, but I knew she didn't agree with me. I didn't blame her, honestly. I left the camping early in the morning the next day, walking slowly towards my destination. Last time I saw Mrs. Castellan, I had a broken ankle and my concentration was in Annabeth not getting scared in a wrong environment.

The house looked even worst than the last time I was here. The windows were full with dust and the porch looked like it was about to fall down any second now. It looked like an abandon house, but I knew it wasn't the case. Sighing, I knocked on the door before it was opened by someone I could only describe as 'plugged to the wires'.

"Luke?" My heart clenched at the desperation and hope Mrs. Castellan was saying that name. Made me want to cry.

"I'm a friend of Luke's, Mrs-"

"Oh, that's so nice to know!" she suddenly hugged me and pulled me inside the decrepit house "Please, sit! Luke would be home any second, hope you don't mind the smell, I'm baking his favorite cookies for him..." The happiness radiating from that woman made whatever I wanted to say cower back down my throat "You know, his father was here yesterday, he says he'll be back soon!"

"Um, Mrs. Castellan-"

"Oh, sweetie, you can call me 'Mom', if you're a friend of Luke!" I blinked hard, remembering how Percy told me she had insisted of him to call her 'Mom', but it was more obvious of him since he was male and she could clearly see that I was a woman "I'd say this because I'm his Mom, but I think Luke is a great boy to date in the future, don't you think?"

If I had been drinking something, I'd had spit it out.

My eyes were out of my head, almost. That was one thing that I couldn't discuss with her and I wasn't playing with Fate on getting a discussion about how sex works.

"Mrs. Castellan, we need to talk!" I announced, a bit loudly, I must admit, getting her attention. As painful as it was, I had to say it straight out or I'd never say it again "Luke is dead" I lowered my head, in respect and because I didn't want to see her breakdown, if she had one.

One second...

Two seconds...

Three seconds...


"Who are you?" I looked up and what I saw left me speechless. Mrs. Castellan had rejuvenated ten years in four seconds, like that movie with the elves and the rings and swords (Percy regretted to ever showed that movie to Annabeth, but he'd never say it out loud) and looked slightly confused "Do I know you? You look familiar..."

"Mrs. Castellan, I-"

"You- you were that night!" she pointed at me, getting up from her place on the couch "With- with the little blonde girl and- Luke!" Her surprised look turned into a depression one, finally sinking what I had said before "It- it wasn't just a nightmare, was it? I really predicted my son will never come back..." She began weeping and I pulled her down to the couch, holding her hands.

"Luke fought like a hero" I confessed to her, trying not to break down again. I remembered the long talk Percy had with me about it, he didn't want me to remember him as a traitor "But in the end, he had to make the ultimate sacrifice... to save us all..."

"He did it for you? For you and that girl, right?" I nodded, not wanting to burden her more "I know I drove my son away from home and that his father wasn't around much... I just hope that he could had found it in his heart to forgive me for that..." She closed her eyes, wishing it was true.

I didn't know that.

"I'm sure he did"


Hello, beautiful readers!

I apologize for last weekend's disappearance, but I was down in a very strong case of allergies. I'm still dealing with it, but I've seen a doctor and I'm in a good path!

But, you don't care about that, no! You care about my stories and I'll update you in that, right after the commercial breaks!

*commercial breaks*

And, now, we're back! Here's the line up for this weekend!

Mortals: Meet... the In-Laws: two chapters! One of the most lovable-yet-were-never-together-couples gets under the spotlight (don't like them, don't critize, please)

Characters: Meet... Characters: two chapters! Exciting chapters, and I apologize for not portraying them correctly (individual apologies in each chapter)

Mate?! Ain't Australian, Buddy!!: one chapter! I decided to change this chapter's P.O.V., hope you enjoy it!

Plus, we have two special chapters! Requests by ObeliskX, I really hope you like them! One chapter will be feature in Mortals: Meet... the In-Laws, while the other will be in Characters: Meet... Characters.

That would be all for this week, I see you guys next Sunday!

xoxo, SilverHuntresses

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