Annabeth Chase/Sally Jackson-Blofis

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"Mommy, Mommy!!" Luke was calling me, with his squeaky voice, while coming out of the kinder "Mommy, guess what?!"

"What, Luke?" I greeted him, kneeling to his height and giving him a hug, smiling.

"Bradley's birfday was today!" he announced to me, all excited "He brougf cookies!" I opened my eyes, showing my surprise. Cookies, blue cookies were Luke's favorite snack. Like father, like son... "But they weren't blue, like Grandma Sally's..." he frowned, cutely. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Why don't we go visit Grandma Sally, so he can teach us how to make them...?"

"Fat's a great idea, Mommy...!!" he announced, excited...

"Mom! Mom! Pay attention!!" I was snapped from my memory lane, seeing as my now eightteen-year-old son was frowning at me, both hands on top of the table "Good Hermes, Mom! Are you even listening to me?!" he pointed out. I sighed and shook my head, as an apology, but Luke took it the other way. Angry, he stomped the table and left, probably to his room. I sighed, not knowing what to do.

"WiseGirl...?" Great, now Percy saw this too...

"Just go on and say it, Percy..." I encouraged him, hiding my face on my hands.

"Say what?" I uncovered my face and mild-glared at him.

"Don't play SeaweedBrain with me now!" I accused him "You saw what happened... You better say how bad mother I am-"

"I cannot believe what I'm hearing... Is Annabeth Chase giving up?" He might be my husband, but I could turn a widow soon if he doesn't stop this mocking towards me "First, the self-pity doesn't suit you, Annabeth... And where's the strategist that always saved my butt?"

"She got married..." I dry-chuckled, sad. Percy sat next to me, holding my hands in his, very serious "I feel like I'm losing him, Percy..." I admitted to him, almost whispering "I feel everything I say to him is a mistake and I don't understand him anymore, even though I try... I really try..." I sobbed softly. Percy engulfed me in a hug, rubbing my back.

"All you need is a chat... And I know who can help us achieve that..." I wiped my face, looking mildly surprised "Oh, great! Now, whenever I cannot have ideas, you'll rub this moment in my face?"

"Basically" I added salt in the wound, giggling. He groaned and got up to make a phone call. I simply stayed sitting there, thinking hard what I would say to Luke. I definitely should apologize for not paying attention a while back. I guess I should also apologize if I ever made him think I was pressuring him...? And, obviously, emphasize that I love him no matter what. No doubt in the last one.

Knock, knock!

"Well, that was fast!" Percy rushed to open the door, only to greet the person behind it with a tight hug.

"Oh, Percy! We just saw each other two days ago!" Our guest chuckled, returning the hug. Our guest was a woman, in her mid sixties, but you could not know that unless she tells you her age. Her raven longish hair was starting to show some grey hairs spread around, which again, wasn't any indication of her age. Wearing a simple dress and sandals, along with a purse and pashmina, she directed her brown gentle eyes to me "Annabeth, good to see you too... As always..."

"You're always welcome in our home, Sally..." I repeated, as always. Sally gave me a hug, smiling brightly "Now, what this old woman full of inadequate experience can do to help two demigods...?" I chuckled, because she always joke about it, because she always end up helping us.

"Ha ha, Mom... Funny..." Percy replied, sarcastically. Suddenly, his pocket buzzed and he sighed "I'm sorry, but I was kind of not expecting this call... Hello?" he excused himself before taking the call in the studio. Sally gave me a look and took me to the kitchen.

"Now, sweetie... Why don't you tell me it had my son all rushed up to call me...?" she gently wondered, making me cave immediately. I don't know how Sally does it, honestly. I don't know how Sally did it with Percy, period. I have three (sometimes, four) and I feel I'm losing my mind! Sally sat there, listening without interrupting and butting in "Don't worry, sweetie..." she said, when I finished "It's the age, I promise everything will be fine..."

"I really want to believe you, Sally..." I confessed to her "I just don't want-"

"You don't want Luke doing the same thing you did when you were seven?" Her raised eyebrow and soft smile took me by surprise "If you're wondering, I talk to your father sometimes, you know?" she added, cheerfully "But, if you want to talk things out with Luke, I have something that might help..." Like if it was magic, Sally pulled out a batch of freshly baked blue cookies. I stared at her, in shock.

"You always have a batch of blue cookies in your purse?" I wondered, fascinated.

"When you have a kid like Percy, you learn to be prepared" she chuckled, making me chuckle with her. Suddenly, I realized that the house was too silent for my taste. Percy's voice was faint in the balcony, but inside... it was a desert.

"I smell troubles" I pointed out to her. She nodded and we headed towards the kids' rooms, that were suspiciously closed. We checked Bianca's and Charlie's, but both were empty. Since it was only one last possibility, I snapped open Luke's door to find the oddest sight in front of me: he was tied up to his chair, with a gag on his mouth, glaring at his siblings, who were sitting in front of him, glaring back.

Was then when Charlie realized we were here.

"Mom! Grandma Sally!!" he simply forgot about Luke and me, rushing to greet Sally "Did you got us cookies, Grandma?"

"Charlie!" Bianca scolded him.

"Percy! Come see what your kids did this time!!"

"They are yours too!!"

"I just miss this mayhem..." I heard Sally whispering.

But, at the end of the day, I wouldn't change it for anything...


Hello, guys!

First, I wanna apologize for not posting last weekend, but I had some troubles at home and they required my attention. But, this means we're in July and I had promised lots of things for the new month, so I'll break them down for you all!

New Stories! Yes, as you read, I'll be posting two stories from now on, Character: Meet... Character (honestly, I never thought you guys would love that story so much that you asked me for 2 spin-offs and a sequel!) and Mate?! Ain't Australian, Buddy!! (name would be open to change, but I couldn't think of anything cooler than that).

This force me to tell you that, even though I plan to update every weekend, I might not be able to do it from all the stories I have, so I ask for patience... The new stories are in my profile, go check them.

Also, I wrote two special chapters (requested by my friend ObeliskX). Since I had two, I'll post one in Mortals: Meet... the In-Laws and one in Percy Jackson, son of Chaos (also, I've been in contact with Mjavery9, former collab of mine in that story and he likes what I'm doing with that story... Also, he is writing his own story, go check it up!)

Well, I'll be posting too much today, hope you have time to read all!!

xoxo, SilverHuntresses

Mortals: Meet... the In-Laws!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora