Paolo Montes/Nike

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I knew I wasn't enough.

Not that Holly was reminding it every single occasion. Which she wasn't, by the way. There was something inside of me that said I wasn't enough. I could see how she was taking the, um, extra mile? Is that how is said? Anyway, she put lots of effort in her work and in all things she wants to be the very best.

I felt a little behind in that area.

During our first dating months, she was quiet about it. She later confessed she didn't want to be pushy and was trying not to shout or interfere to show me how is done. I just would grab her hands and tell her: "Minha garota tem que ser como ela é..." My girl has to be how she is... True, I didn't want to change her, but I was too honored that she decided to slow down a little and relax.

The next couple of months, I saw some outburst from Holly, that told me she wasn't in total control of her emotions. She would shout at me for not knowing how to say something, but immediately regret it and begging for forgiveness. I won't lie and say I wasn't hurt, but I understood how hard it was for her.

Eventually, Holly relaxed enough not to shout to small things, though I still see an exasperated glint in her eyes when I can't do or say something. So, in those moments, I challenge her to explain me how to do it, and she jumps into the opportunity without a doubt. In the end, I learn something new and she calms down her need to be the best.

But lately, I've seen her around without emotion or even as if everything had become a routine and was resign? Defeated? Into doing it.

"Minha garota, que faz?" I wondered, sitting next to her. She was in Crafts and Arts class and she was sculpting.

"I'm trying to make a bust of my Mother, but it looks more like a chicken than anything!" She complains and, even if I wanted to laugh because it was right, I decided to help her, with a soft smile.

"Holly, você não tem que pensar... Tem que sentir..." I placed a hand on her chest and she wrinkled her eyebrows in a very cute way.

"Feeling don't help you to be the best, Paolo" she argued with me. She cannot help it. So I smiled every time she tries to make her point "Actions and practice and knowledge do!" I simply nodded, not wanting to argue with her. I stayed by her side until she changed the frown "You gonna stay there all class?"

"Paciência é uma virtude" I told her, smiling softly. She ignored me, going back to her sculpture. But, midway to her work, she glanced at me, as if she was asking permission. I nodded at her and I saw her close her eyes and her hands began moving on their own. She wasn't thinking, she was feeling, which was something different from her.


After a while, Holly finally dropped her hands and took a look at the sculpture. It wasn't a chicken, like before. You could see the silhouette of the person, her mother in this case, but it wasn't completely finished. However, that made Holly sport a big smile in her face and I earned a hug from her.

"Oh, Paolo! Obrigado, obrigado!" she thanked me, hugging me with small kisses around my face. I smiled and kissed her cheek back too. She pulled back, blushing a little "You wouldn't mind if I want to finish this on my own?" I shoo my head and left her be, knowing she would have a worst time if I'm staring at her work.


I walked around Camp, looking for something to do, when the something to do found me.

Some children of Hermes had done a mess in the Archery field and the children of Apollo were looking for help and I didn't have anything better to do, so I helped them. A few kids thanked me for dating Holly, saying they like her more now than before, as she is less strict sometimes. I don't like how some of them are saying that about her. Holly hasn't changed much.

Which is why my head was telling me I wasn't enough.

I had finished with the Archery field and I was wondering near the lake. It kind of reminds me of the Rio do Janeiro beaches, but less full of people. Bad comparison, I know. But all of the beaches in Brazil are always full of people. I just didn't knew I was going to be having company soon.

"Feelings over mind?!" Someone shouted behind me and I jumped in my defense. I thought it was Laurel to scold me about what I told her sister, but the woman in front of me had wings. Yes, wings. But she looked like Holly and Laurel "You have to forget about your feelings when you want to be the best!! Is facts, matter over substance!!" I look at the woman not understanding why she ass yelling at me "You don't say that to my children again!"

Oh. Holly's Mãe.

"Uh, bom tarde?" I say, not sure how to react. She looked at me, angry.

"Don't you 'good afternoon' me, young man!!" She was very angry at me "You cannot give that advice to my daughter and think you will walk away!! I don't care that it worked for her!!" It was like hearing Holly and Laurel argue. Two voices in one. So, I crossed my arms and let her rant all she wanted "She has to be logical! Ruthless! And she has to win!!"

I rolled my eyes at her.

It was going to be a long monologue...


First, I want to apologize if my portrait of Holly or Paolo is OOC. As I have mentioned many times before, I haven't had the time to grab a copy of Trails of Apollo, so I based them in the wiki description. Also, I want to apologize, as my Brazilian Portuguese is a little rusty and I was trying to be loyal to the language. Feel free to critic or even correct, but with respect always.


Hello, guys!

First of all, I want to apologize for my absence the past two weeks, but I've been with personal and work problems. Though, it's not a surprise I have work problems as December is a month when all the problems seem to appear. And let's not talk about all the things school dumps us with!

Anyway, here are the updates of the past two weeks. WARNING! Many stories coming to an end! If you follow any of these, prepare your tissues and subscribe to my profile, otherwise you won't get new stories... (If not interested, non taken, is a free world)

Before anything, each last chapter has its appropriate thanks and stuff, but I want to give l thanks to those who followed, liked, comment and suggested my stories during this year. 2017 was a different year and I'm more than grateful for your support.

Mate?! Ain't Australian, Buddy!!: LAST 2 CHAPTERS!

Mortals: Meet... the In-Laws: LAST 2 CHAPTERS!

Characters: Meet... Characters: LAST 2 CHAPTERS!

Changing Legacy: Unique Chapter. Under the label of SkyHigh, this is my present to my boyfriend for his birthday. Wolf, I love you so much!

Please, check my Christmas update, where I hope I can give you a hint of what's coming next year!

xoxo, SilverHuntresses

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