S CHAPTER - Cold Revenge

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Penny wasn't upset. No, she leaves that feeling for when she's beaten on the arena. She can deal with a tiny humilliation.

Penny wasn't angry. She leaves that for when monsters attack Camp without a warning and ruin everyone's day.

Penny was mortified. That word, she learned it from Andrew, who her anger was directed to right now, even though he didn't know that. For now. But there was one question that came back over and over in her head...

How could he said that?!

"Penny! Penny, stop mourning!" Penny's 'cousin' Jenny, threw a pillow at her, while both were inside Poseidon's cabin. Well, Penny was hiding, technically, while Jenny was giving moral support as the good cousin she was "Penny, just dump the idiot!"

"Easy for you to say it, Jenny" she argued back, from her curled spot on her bed "You heard what Peter said about you! 'She's a fantastic partner and, whatever I ask, she delivers'" Penny did a wrong and poor imitation of Peter's voice, making Jenny chuckle "He left everyone impressed... Bet everyone will turn to stare at you now!" Jenny rolled her eyes and sat next to her.

"C'mon, Penny..." she begged, but Penny wouldn't move "If it makes you feel better, what Peter said about me was about his food cravings" That caught Penny's attention, sitting up.

"Wait, he lied?!" Jenny nodded.

"Peter and I are very private with our relationship and we hate when people tries to break in... So we tell true things about other things..." she explained, trying to make her feel better "Peter, the gods bless his soul, has many food cravings, you know how he eats sometimes and well... Every once in a while, I do grocery shopping for him"

"G-grocery shopping??" Penny repeated, not believing her ears. Jenny nodded again.

"If anyone had asked me that about Peter, I'd have said that he's 'very gentle and knows which spots to work on it', but I'd be talking about the way he massages my neck..." Jenny replied, honestly "It wouldn't be my fault if someone misinterpret the context..."

"Jenny, I'd praise you about your social skills, but I'm more mortified about what Andrew said about me!" Penny insisted, hugging her legs closer to her "Andrew is pants about lying and my question is... why he hasn't broken up with me is I can't help him to- to-"

"'Put it up'?" Jenny helped, noticing how embarrassed Penny was turning "One, for Venus' sake, you're seventeen years old! Stop being embarrassed about it!"

"You're the one dating a child of Aphrodite, we aren't all that promiscuous!"

"And, two..." Jenny continued, like if it wasn't an interruption "If you really want to find out about the truth, you have to ask Andrew..."

"He'd deny it" Penny answered, immediately. Jenny raised an eyebrow "Every time we make out, he breaks away soon... Either he's gay and just found out or doesn't find me attractive... Either way, I'm still wondering why is he still with me!" Finally, Penny lost it and began sobbing on her hands, while Jenny hugged her.

"There's only one way to find out..."


With a bit of help from Peter and others, Jenny helped put Penny her plan in action. It took some convincing, but Penny was finally on board, hoping the plan didn't backfire on her face.

"You sure this will work...?" Penny asked, like for the tenth time. Peter rolled his eyes and nodded.

"Would you trust me?" he tried to relax her, but wasn't working very much "I don't do this for lots of people and when I do, it works so!" Penny nodded, not wanting to get into a bigger argument "Andrew is about to arrive and remember: You. Have. The. Control" Penny nodded again, feeling a little more comfortable. Only a little. Peter and Jenny rushed off the beach just when Andrew arrived to meet Penny.

"Penny, you wanted to... see me...?" To say Andrew was speechless was accurate, as his words left with the wind. Obviously, the vision of his girlfriend, who he hadn't been able to find all day, in bikini wasn't unusual. What was unusual was of what was made the bikini. Andrew had to swallowed a couple of time in his place.

Penny's clothes were made of ice.

"Hello, Andy..." Penny greeted him, giggling a little. To say Andrew's brain melted it would be inaccurate. Techinally, all the blood went somewhere else. He couldn't even argue that she called him 'Andy', for Zeus' sake! "What's the matter, Andy...? Cat got your tongue...?" The way she swayed her hips towards him was hypnotic. Her raven curly hair was loose and the wind was pushing it away from her face "Looks like it did..."


"No, Andy... I like when you don't talk..." Penny shushed him, a wave of her hand and Andrew had a ice gag. No matter how much Andrew wanted, he couldn't take it away "Nah ah! We cannot allow that..." Suddenly, Andrew was laying down on the sand, wrists and ankles tied up with ice chains "That's better!" Penny stated, cheerfully before straddling his hips "You've been a bad boy, Andrew... Tell me the truth and I'd lessen your punishment..." Andrew's looks told Penny he didn't know what she was talking about. As it painful as it was for her, Penny explained, whispering in his ear "Remember this morning? When you were talking with the boys..? You said some things about me..."

Opening his eyes wide, Andrew realized what Penny meant. He knew what he had said was wrong, but he didn't want her or anyone finding the truth. Unfortunately for him, it was Penny who had heard said truth. He started to explain, but the gag didn't help much. Smirking, Penny took it off and crossed her arms, waiting.

"I- I was lying to them..." Andrew panted, blushing like a firetruck. Penny was still sat on his hips and that wasn't helping a lot "I- I kind of knew that you'd find out, but I was hoping to explain it first to you, so you'd not be upset... I didn't want to give into Peter's brothers but they kept pushing and talking about them and I couldn't take it if they started to talk about you like that and-" Penny watched him rant, trying not to change her emotionless face "Please, Penny... I'm sorry... Nothing is true, I promise you..."

"Well, that would be taken in consideration with your punishment..." Penny finally spoke. Andrew sighed before he was attacked by her. All he could do was squirm and try to get away. Oh, and laugh. Because, who wouldn't laugh when his girlfriend starts tickling you? "You'll face the wrath of my tickles until you apologize!!" Penny smirked at him, chuckling.

"I- hahahahaha!! I-I'm sorry- hahahahaha!!" Andrew laughed loud. After a while, when Penny was satisfied, she released him, leaving him panting "I love you, Penny... Sorry you heard those lies..."

"I love you too, Andy-"

"Don't call me 'Andy'!" Andrew complained, before kissing his girlfriend. Not like if Penny was complaining much about it.

Hello, guys!

First, I wanna apologize for not posting last weekend, but I had some troubles at home and they required my attention. But, this means we're in July and I had promised lots of things for the new month, so I'll break them down for you all!

New Stories! Yes, as you read, I'll be posting two stories from now on, Character: Meet... Character (honestly, I never thought you guys would love that story so much that you asked me for 2 spin-offs and a sequel!) and Mate?! Ain't Australian, Buddy!(name would be open to change, but I couldn't think of anything cooler than that).

This force me to tell you that, even though I plan to update every weekend, I might not be able to do it from all the stories I have, so I ask for patience... The new stories are in my profile, go check them.

Also, I wrote two special chapters (requested by my friend ObeliskX). Since I had two, I'll post one in Mortals: Meet... the In-Laws and one in Percy Jackson, son of Chaos(also, I've been in contact with Mjavery9, former collab of mine in that story and he likes what I'm doing with that story... Also, he is writing his own story, go check it up!)

Well, I'll be posting too much today, hope you have time to read all!

xoxo, SilverHuntresses

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