S CHAPTER - Acceptance

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"Good job, everyone!" Penny congratulated everyone that had come to the newly created Extreme Pegasi Flying Team- or E.P.F.T., thought Penny had the feeling it sounded like a diseases. She was happy that her efforts with Peter had worked for something, as a lot of campers wanted to get close to the pegasi but they never were very cooperative "We see each other next week?"

"Deal, Penny!" Someone shouted at her from the crowd of enthusiast and she smiled, taking care of the pegasi before leaving as well. That time grooming the winged horses was used to think, as no one can interrupted her.

Well, no one except the damn pegasi.

"Yo, boss! When are we getting names?" A black stallion wondered, from his stable. That was followed by a chorus of agreement and Penny sighed, looking at everyone there "The names this two-legged gave us are so simplistic..."

"You will have to think them yourselves, if you don't like them" Penny was trying to hold on her temper, as the campers had put a lot of thought in naming the pegasi who were nameless until that afternoon. It would destroy them.

"Sure thing, boss!"

"And don't call me 'boss'!" she reminded him, before shutting her mind to the horses and using the time to think. She started thinking about no important things, like the recently formed EPFT. Still sounding like a disease... Her mind wondered from there, to the fact that, without Peter's help, the team would never be a reality.


The past week had been good, as they were experiencing for the first time what was being in a relationship. He was kind, sweet and attentive. He was her best friend and she could feel like she could tell him anything in her life. Well, everything except one thing.

She still had feelings for Andrew.

Penny sighed, thinking what to do. Sure, Peter knew that she was harboring a crush in Andrew for a long time, and was him the one suggesting that, maybe, dating other guys could be the solution. Penny accepted that option, simply because she had run out of them and had given up that Andrew would even noticed her as a girl.

But she liked when Peter had started treating her properly, listening to her and spending time with her. And, the few moments when Andrew was actually paying attention to Penny and making a positive comment about it, her resolve would break and she would be back to pursue him. Of course, it would be a silent and distant pursue.

Part of her didn't want to do this to Peter, but she thought Peter deserved to know the truth, no matter how painful it was for both of them. The good part was, or so she thought, was that both were young and, could still be friends. But not those friends who keep their exes around because they want a ego boost or because they're looking for a favor. No, proper friends.

Leaving the stables to search for Peter, she realized that Peter was walking towards her... with Andrew. She tried to pull a cool façade, but her brain was melting and rushing several miles per hour. Maybe it was Peter's plan? Could it had been Andrew's idea? Overthinking wasn't a good point now and she decided to wait to see what they wanted.

"Hey, Penny..." Peter greeted her, with a kiss in the cheek. Penny blushed, but noticed Andrew didn't even blink.

"Hey, Peter... Andrew..." she acknowledged them, smiling softly, unsure of what was about to happen.

"Think we could go to your cabin? Andrew and I have to talk to you about something..." Penny nodded, trying not to scream at them, demanding what were they planning to say. Peter smiled and grabbed her hand, taking her to her Cabin, Andrew following next to them. Once inside, Andrew closed all the windows and door, leaving Penny curious and a little frighten about it.

"Penny..." Andrew started, but it was obvious that he was nervous of whatever he was going to say "Um, I- I kind of talk to Peter and, well... Gods, this is hard..." Andrew tried to gather courage but it seemed impossible for him. Penny did her best to show a relax image, raising an eyebrow in confusion "What- what I want to say is- is that, well... we kind of thought-"

"Andrew, let me" Peter took over, gently, placing a hand on his shoulder. Andrew nodded, breathing in relief and sat down, on Penny's other side "Penny, Andrew and I had a very interesting conversation about you" Penny blinked in surprise "As you may not know, we both like you" Penny passed her eyes from Peter, who she knew he liked her, to Andrew, who she didn't know he liked her.

"You- you both like me?" Penny had heard older Aphrodite campers how they were always complaining about lots of guys liking them at the same time. They mentioned how annoying it was that no one liked to share. Slowly, but sadly, Penny reached a conclusion "You guys want me to choose one of you?"

It wasn't a question. It was a confirmation.

However, to her infinite surprise, the guys shook their heads, Andrew more red than Peter.

"We-" Andrew decided to try once again to speak, with more confidence "We came to the conclusion that making you choose would be unfair if you like us both, so we decided not to make you choose" Penny looked at both of them, not understanding.

"Penny, I'm bisexual" Peter explained, softly. Immediately, Penny placed a hand on his cheek to comfort him "And, as I told Andrew, I like him the same way I like you... Which is why I could not make you choose..."

"So... You guys would be alright with me dating you two and you two dating together?" she checked, not wanting to be misunderstandings. Both guys nodded, earning a small smile from her "It will take a while to adapt, right?"

"It won't be easy" Andrew agreed "But, I'm willing to try" With that being said, he kissed both their cheeks, leaving the three blushing like crazy.

Yep, they would be just fine.


Hello, guys!

Finally able to catch up with my normal routine, is something I really like. Especially when I'm able to deliver with you guys. You know the more frequent, the less chapters I post, but I like that way, gives me a purpose of challenge and satisfaction when I'm done with my tasks and able to write, right?

Anyway, onto the chapters!

Mortals, Meet... the In-Laws: one chapter!

Character, Meet... Character: one chapter! (with the proper apology in it)

Mate?! Ain't Australian, Buddy!!: one chapter!

Plus, also posting in Mortals, Meet... the In-Laws, a special request from ObeliskX. Is part two of one of the chapters I posted last week, can't remember where I posted. Hope you like it!

This week was short, but I hope I can come up with good things for next one!

xoxo, SilverHuntresses

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