Holly Victor/Hebe

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I walked into the house. Correction, I stormed into the house, groaning and almost pulling my hair from my head.

But I betted Laurel I wouldn't be bald before her, so I can't.

"What's all this scandal?" Paolo walked from the kitchen, apron in hands. It was obvious he was about to cook and he was worried about the noise "Holly, what happened?"

"What happened? Let me tell you what happened!" I was pissed, to say the least, and apparently, I was taking it out on my boyfriend, who was just concern about me. Way to ruin a relationship, Victor... "I got to work in record time, not breaking any speed limit not moving with red light which I call a small personal victory-"

"The traffic department should give you a medal..." he told me, but I silenced him with my eyes. I knew his intentions were sweet and nice, but I was super angry now! "Sorry, please continue..."

"When I got to the office, I found a stack of paper taller than me, I kid you not. I managed to resolve all those troubles by lunch, when the boss says he has an announcement. He began saying that he would promote someone that has been there for so long, that 'deserved a little more recognition and had tackled the problems with swift and intelligence'" I quoted my boss and I could see the beaming smile in Paolo.

"Holly, that's amazing!" he congratulated me, which only made me angrier. I stopped him with my hand and finished my tale.

"Everyone in the office was already congratulating me, some were even hugging me when the boss dropped the news....... it was the newest addition, a two-month-old assistant that couldn't look older than seventeen!" Paolo's smile disappeared.

"What?! That's- that has no base! You've been there for two years and have done more than anyone in that office, without counting that you managed to keep your competitiveness to a minimum and managed to be more nice!" I was very glad Paolo could see the points I raised to my boss, but the great oh-I-know-better-than-you dismiss them "I know you talked to him, what did he said?"

"That I was very stiff and I needed to learn how to bend over a little if I wanted to succeed..." I gritted my teeth, angry. I wasn't going to bend over the rules! In that case, it wouldn't be a fair competition!

"That- Holly, you need to report your boss, tomorrow" I glanced at Paolo, frowning. He wasn't angry, as I've seen him rarely angry. But right now, he was pissed "Holly, he wasn't talking about bending the rules, he was talking about you bending over. That is sexual harassment" I looked petrified in my place, that Paolo had to walk closer and check my pulse "Holly...?"

"I will" I replied, tired. I wasn't one to listen to rumors, but now it made more sense about what everyone was saying of the new girl. Paolo saw my resignation and hugged me tight, rubbing my back "Is not me..." He pulled back, his hands cupping my face.

"It's not you, Holly" he assured me "Had you been working with me, in the agency, I wouldn't had left anything of the guy for you to maim..." I snorted, but that was enough for him "Good, I like that smile... Besides, she's just a pretty face and will soon disappear... You are not only pretty, but smart and very cunning and brave..."

"Keep talking..." What can I say? I love when he boosts my ego.

"Well, I have to say your efficiency is impeccable" he kept going, smirking "Not to mention that when you get competitive with me is... exciting" Oh, he knows how to push my buttons, that's for sure.

"So, if I take a bath...?"

"Dinner will be in the table" he pecked my lips and let me go. I didn't feel like rushing in the bath today, maybe I can convince him too?


The next day, as soon as I got to the office, I went to the Human Resources office, very decided.

I walked through the cubicles and headed to the office, to find it empty. I groaned and waited a few minutes to see the head of the area, walking in with a young girl. By her looks, she couldn't be older than twenty. I instantly got jealous because I have the same age, but I'm far from looking like that! Paolo says that my looks reflect my hard-working personality and that he likes it.

But sometimes, I wish I could look younger.

"Ah, Ms. Victor... What can I do for you?" The head brought back my attention to the present.

"Yeah, well... I would like to submit a complain, if you have the time" Since it was my first time in the office, I bet the Head was completely surprised. She announced the girl to wait a few minutes while we got this out of the way. I explained everything that had happened and what Paolo told me to say, to add information. And since the Head of Human Resources was a woman in her late fifties, she was embarrassed and angry about what I was telling her.

"I'll look into this personally, Ms. Victor" she assured me, and somehow I didn't doubt it "And I'd hate to ask this of you, but could you take the newest intern to your office? She'd be replacing Ms. Stewart, who took the, um, corporative spot..." I could see the gritted teeth in that declaration. I nodded and guided the new girl with me.

"I knew Paolo would be good for you, Holly..." she spoke to me, once we were in the elevator. My shock was big when I saw her smiling face "And he's right... She's just a pretty face. But when you are forty and look at her, looking worst than you, just remember that is because you didn't gave in..."

Needless to say, I arrived to the office alone.


Hello, guys!

First of all, I want to apologize for not posting last weekend, you see I had a bit of good luck, with less-than-helpful wifi connection and a big stomach ache all weekend, so I was much laying in bed, trying to recover.

Second of all, I want to say.... I CAN'T BELIEVE IS THE LAST WEEKEND OF NOVEMBER?! Man, time really flies! When we want to remember, we're celebrating Christmas! Dear Lord, we have to start buying presents!!

Anyway, this last weekend of November I bring you to you all of this!

Mortals: Meet... the In-Laws!: 2 chapters! A warning... due to the lack of characters, this story only will have two MORE chapters left, and I will explain why: though I'd love to make different couples (lots of you were asking of a Lou/Cecil), there's the fact that I don't have parents that haven't been used before (Hecate or Hermes in my example). So, I apologize for it and, unless you have an idea to solve that, this story will come to an end...

Garden Wall: 2 chapters! We (me and my collab, Hugs6) haven't been slacking this one. Hence, this update.

Mate?! Ain't Australian, Buddy!!: 2 chapters! I had struggled with one of these chapters, so I hope it doesn't show up lots. Also, this story will come to an end soon, I think the next weekend, as I only have one or two chapters left plus the epilogue. I'd like to thank DarthRath as he had read some of my chapters before, since he knows lots more of werewolves than me. Thank you!


A No-Girly-Girl Girly's Time: unique chapter! Though very late, this is my present to my bestie A_Million_Stars / AMillionPages (FanFiction) for her birthday. Happy late birthday! I greeted on your birthday, but I wanted to give you this!

Well, this will all for today, though I'm posting a special chapter on Thursday, so stay tune!

xoxo, SilverHuntresses

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