Percy Jackson/Frederick Chase

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"Oi! You lot! Stop running around!!" I yelled, only to be the receiver of several looks and giggles. I sighed, moving a hand through y hair. Where the times were the kids respected the adults had gone?

"Excuse me, Mr. Lifesaver..." I heard behind me and see a little cute girl, of around five, with her blonde hair tied up in two ponytails and a Disney Princess swimsuit on her, dragging a towel behind her.

"Yeah, what can I do for you, Miss?" I asked her, causing her to giggle at me again.

"My sissy thinks you're cute!" she blurted out in my face, with that look of innocence that cannot be taken away from kids. I smirked at her and chuckled, not the first time that this happens to me, but if Annabeth ever finds out, I'd be a dead man walking... or a zombie...

"What's your name, Miss?" I wondered at her, still amused at her boldness. With the corner of my eye, I could see a teenager girl blushing and trying to get the girl's attention, probably her sister. I guess she didn't want to embarrass herself further, as the little girl had no subtlety when she blurted out the confession.

"I'm Lia, what's your name, Mr. Lifesaver?" I smiled, thinking how is that I have this conversation everyday at work.

"I'm Mr. Percy Lifesaver, nice to meet you too" I pulled my hand out and she shook it, kind of hard for a little girl "Now, Lia, you know the rules of the pool?" Lia nodded eagerly at me "Can you tell them for me?"

"Um, I cannot run around the pool..." her little face was scrunch in concentration, which kind of reminded me of Annabeth, it was so cute. I wished I had a camera so I could show her... "Not be in the deep side?" I nodded at her, making her beam "Oh! Wear sunscreen and swim-hat when I'm going into the pool!"

"Very good, Lia!" I congratulated her, making her blush at my praise "If I could give gold stars, you'd get one... but, there's one rule that most people forget..." She frowned at me, curious "The lifesaver, in this case, me, are here to make sure those rules are followed..."

"So, if I do something bad, you'd have to forbid me the pool?" she said, all by herself, which made me proud. I nodded at her logic "I'll be right back!" she turned around and, I guess she wanted to run, but was walking a little fast, picking her towel in her arms "Sissy! I want sunscreen!" she yelled at her sister.

"Always a charmer, aren't you, Perce?" I turned around to see the last person I hoped to see today. Not that it was a bad thing, either way. This person was in his mid forties, almost reaching the fifties, though you could think he was older because of the amount of grey hair on the sides of his face, like if he was some kind of trend. His blonde hair was combed back and he was wearing an old Air Force shirt that he got in a garage sale, along with some khaki shorts and flipflops.

Said person was Frederick Chase, Annabeth's father.

"Otherwise they'll never learn the rules... Bobby, Matt, hit it!" I raised my hands and Annabeth's twin brothers hit them "Sunscreen and hat, otherwise, you're ban, misters!" I threatened them, playfully. The twins chuckles and rushed towards one of the many chairs that were around the pool to leave their stuff.

"You know, I have to hand it to you, Perce..." Mr. Chase kept speaking to me, while I looked around "It's the first thing Bobby and Matthew actually respect that is not my wife or Annabeth with a scary knife..." I chuckled at the picture.

"Don't tell her I said this, but she's scarier when she's in the kitchen..." we both laughed, knowing that Annabeth's worst skill were in the kitchen. Everyone knew it, even her, but she never heard it from me, as I'm not one to hurt her precious pride.

"So, when can we wait the question?" I glanced at him, not sure what he meant. I'm not call Seaweed Brain for nothing, after all "C'mon, Perce... I just wanna know so I can capture the moment on a camera and show it off to all my colleagues-"

"Um, Mr. Chase, I have no idea what you're talking about..." I admitted, watching the twins getting into the pool.

"Oh. So you don't plan on proposing to Annabeth?" My eyes widen big at that question. I knew that, whatever I answered, it could be taken the wrong way. So, I decided to charge forward with my only card.

The truth.

"Mr. Chase, first I have to admit that you caught me off guard..." I started, turning my full attention to him. I was rubbing the back of my neck, very nervous. He simply watched me and nodded "Second, believe it or not, I have talked to Annabeth about this and well, she made me promised that I wouldn't do anything until she had finished her career"

"That sounds like something my daughter would say" he agreed, still nodding. I thought I was on a good track, so I decided to push a little my luck.

"And third, I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but I was kind of hoping that I could talk to, um... Annabeth's mom first?" It was Mr. Chase's eyes turn to get wide and big in surprise.

"You mean...?" he left the question. In the air and I simply nodded. We didn't need more words to say that I could be completely screw up whenever I asked about it. Not to mention, I could be half dead afterwards "Well, Perce... If it's any consolation, I give you my full support... Why you thought I was asking?" I shrugged, not knowing why he mentioned something like that.

"You could be her in disguise..." I pointed out, serious. He chuckled and shrugged too "Though, I doubt that she could stay more than a few seconds without glaring at me... It impresses the Hades out of me, sir... How did you managed to get her attention?"

"That, Percy, is a secret that I'll share when you're ready..."


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