Luke Castellan/Zeus

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"We need to guard our flanks here and here, and a scout on this side of the camp..." I pointed out on a dusty old map, who keeps this things nowadays? Everyone around me nodded and left me alone, except for one girl that's standing directly across the table from me.

"Luke you need to rest some..." she said, slowly walking up to me. She reached with her hand to touch my arm, but I caught it before she touched me.

"You better think it twice before trying that and your charmspeaking, Silena" I warned her, not having the patience to deal with her sickeningly love act on me. She pouted, but I paid no attention "Return to camp, your absence can be questioned if you're not there" I cannot have a spy if she's not there...

"Alright, but if you need company, you just let me know" she winked at me, before leaving. I sighed, knowing that having her around would come with this set of consequences, but since I was always in battle mode, so I couldn't lose some time with some flirty schoolgirl, no matter how pretty she was, obviously, she was a daughter of Aphrodite.

"Interesting..." A male voice surprised me, and I immediately pulled out my sword. The downside of being with Titans and such was that appear and disappear without a sound, so I'm always on my guard. The male figure was wrapped up in an old robe and his hand could be seen holding a staff "Why you resist so much, son of Hermes?"

"Who are you?" I demanded the figure, who hasn't moved from its spot.

"What are you trying to prove with this war?" he kept going, as if he hadn't heard me. I gritted my teeth and just listened "Are you trying to fulfill your Master's goal or are you trying to do what all kids try to do?" I frowned in confusion, but didn't lower my sword "If this is a cry of attention, only you can answer the question, but let's not hope is too late..."

"I ask again, who are you?! And how did you manage to get inside?!" I ordered again, but not taking nonsense this time as answers. The figure stood tall and I know it was staring at me. I focused my mind, so it could not read anything, but I've never heard of someone who could do it.

"I guess you will keep demanding until I show myself?"

"I'd give you a golden star for your deduction, but I don't want to" I replied to him, already getting irritated. Apparently, the man got the idea and his hands raised to hold his hood down his face and the shock in mine almost made me drop my weapon.

In front of me, it was standing Zeus, God of the Sky and King of Olympus.

"Satisfied, Son of Hermes?" It took me a few seconds to recover from my shock, but I did it, gripping my sword tighter.

"Give me one good reason of why I shouldn't kill you today..." I dared him, glaring back at the figure. He was responsible for all this...

"Thalia is alive" The shock returned to my face and I, again, almost drop my sword onto the floor.

"The Fleece worked perfectly..." I smiled to myself. Thalia was back in the living, younger maybe, but alive... I noticed Zeus was staring at me funnily and I glared at him again "What?!"

"What she sees in you, I don't understand it... I was just thinking about your face when she sees the real you and turns out to be the one that destroys you..." He looked so serious, so confident about that last part, that I did the only thing I could have done at the moment.

I started laughing at him. I mean, a big loud laugh at him.

It was obvious that the Lord of the Sky wasn't used to being laughed at in the face and the purple color he was taking to avoid yelling at me was even more hilarious and it was impossible for me to stop now. When I finally managed to control my laughter, I looked at him.

"Oh, you really don't know your daughter, now do you?" I questioned him, wiping my eyes of laughing tears.

"Thalia would never betray me like you did with your father-" Suddenly, I wasn't laughing anymore, I wasn't even smiling and my sword was inches away from his chin.

"Don't mention him in my presence" I growled at him "He chose his path, the same way you chose yours regarding your daughter" I reminded him "Thalia may not be able to betray you, but I'm damn sure that she won't be aiding you, or at least not in the way you so desperately want it... If I were you, I'd be careful what you ask of her..."

"You don't know my daughter-"

"I know her more than you!!" I screamed at him, glaring again "If you try to force her decision, whichever it is, you will live to regret it if I'm alive..."

"So, that means you won't be..." he threatened me, starting to glow slightly. Out of habit, I looked away while he disappeared from my sight. When I was alone again, I groaned and shouted alone, releasing my frustration. I ended up with my hands over the table and panting to get my breath back.

I obviously wanted Thalia to join me in this crusade, she more than anyone would be able to understand it. But if not, I'd have to find a way that Thalia isn't actively participating in the war. Something that would make her so repugnant that she'd have to join a different side.

With a heavy heart, I realized what I had to do.

I didn't like it one bit.

I just hope Annabeth can forgive me.


Hello, beautiful readers!

I apologize for last weekend's disappearance, but I was down in a very strong case of allergies. I'm still dealing with it, but I've seen a doctor and I'm in a good path!

But, you don't care about that, no! You care about my stories and I'll update you in that, right after the commercial breaks!

*commercial breaks*

And, now, we're back! Here's the line up for this weekend!

Mortals: Meet... the In-Laws: two chapters! One of the most lovable-yet-were-never-together-couples gets under the spotlight (don't like them, don't critize, please)

Characters: Meet... Characters: two chapters! Exciting chapters, and I apologize for not portraying them correctly (individual apologies in each chapter)

Mate?! Ain't Australian, Buddy!!: one chapter! I decided to change this chapter's P.O.V., hope you enjoy it!

Plus, we have two special chapters! Requests by ObeliskX, I really hope you like them! One chapter will be feature in Mortals: Meet... the In-Laws, while the other will be in Characters: Meet... Characters.

That would be all for this week, I see you guys next Sunday!

xoxo, SilverHuntresses

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