Clarisse LaRue/Mrs. Rodriguez

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I hate hospitals.

No matter how much I get rt, no matter how much I'm not laying in a bed surrounded by white walls, I dread walking into one. I know what you're thinking, 'Clarisse LaRue, Slayer of Drakons, afraid of hospitals?'. As much I want to strangle myself for it, it would be a little useless, as I want to live.

"Clarisse? Clarisse!" I snapped from my staring into the hallway, where many nurses and doctors walk around, checking patients and visitors and turned to see Chris, how was standing next to me. His usual goof-self is gone and it's replaced by a serious and tired look that definitely doesn't fit him. Or I'm used to see him laughing all the time, I don't know.

"Uh? What did you ask me?" I checked, hoping he had said nothing important and I hadn't agree to so something I didn't want to.

"I asked you if you could stay with my Mom a little while I complete the necessary paperwork for the surgery..." he asked me, almost not waiting for a reply from me. But I wasn't letting him leave without a reply. Or at least, if we were gonna argue, he was going to listen to me.

"I can't stay with your mother!" I hissed lowly, not wanting other people to hear me. Chris was tired and looked like he didn't want to argue, but I wasn't going to back down "I don't know her, heck you know I dread hospitals!"

"Clarisse, I don't trust anyone else..." I was slightly taken aback by that reply, showing me the worst I had imagined: a broken Chris. I haven't seen him like this since he got over the Labyrinth stuff and that haunted look still gave me some nightmares "I don't want to leave her alone, please... It'll only be a couple of minutes and then, you can go back home..." I looked at him for a few seconds, before all my tough resolution came crumbling down.

"Fine, I stay with her..." I muttered, still not liking the fact that I was being left alone with his mother. Nothing against the woman, I never had met her before! The look of relief in his face said much more than words.

"Thank you, Clarisse..." he slightly squeezed my hand and left to fill the paperwork. On other circumstances, I'd be complaining about the public affection display, but this time... it was nothing. He simply walked away, showing how worried he was about this. Gathering all the courage I know I have somewhere, I knocked on the door.

"Come in" I heard a feminine voice inside. I pushed the door open and saw a nurse helping a woman into a bed. She had brown hair with some light hair around it, as if she didn't want to look somehow old. She looked slim and thin, but that was probably over the situation and she looked like she had been athletic in some point. Her face was beginning to show wrinkles and her eyes were brown and full of mischief. She was wearing a light blue hospital robe.

Defenitely, Chris' Mom.

"You must be her daughter..." The nurse smiled at me, but I quickly shook my head.

"I'm her son's girlfriend" I told her. The woman in the hospital robe eyed me, her eyes sparkling.

"Nice to finally meet you, Clarisse. Chris has spoken so much about you" she greeted me. I did an involuntary blush.

"Nice to meet you too... despite the circumstances" I added at the end, not really knowing what to say. The nurse soon left and were only the two of us.

"Chris told me you're daughter of Ares... Now, I know my son is a rascal, so how in Heaven and Hell you two work out?!" I looked at her, the question floating in the air. I was about to reply that it wasn't any of her business when I heard the tone when she asked. There wasn't sarcasm, nor malice. Just pure curiosity and a little of laughter "I tried dating a police officer before, but he was too serious or cynic for me..." she said. It was obvious now she was curious about Chris and me.

I thought for a few moments before walking next to her and sitting by her side. Why Chris and I made it work? It should had crumbled when I started college in Arizona, but why were still together? It wasn't because he got on my nerves, his brothers get on my nerves and I want to kill them half the time. Nor because he was serious or good at fighting.

"I guess..." I started, moistening my lips, not really sure what I was going to say. My brain had shut down and I couldn't think of a straight answer, but I knew I had to say something "I guess because he doesn't judge me... Sure, he teases me and plays pranks on me, but when we're alone, he... he lets me be me when I cannot be with myself in front of people... and he's not going around telling my secrets... I guess that he earned my respect for that and it'd be unfair to break him in return..."

"So, you're in love with him" I stared at her, getting a smirk as reply "Oh, don't be so surprised, dear... I knew all of those things, because I know my son... Once the jokes leave, he's just a scared boy that it's afraid, just like you are now of hospitals... Which makes me happy that you're not gonna break his heart over something petty..."

"I do admit I have a temper..."

"We all do, dear... The trick is to pass that and talk it out..." she winked at me, before Chris walked into the room, to check on his mother.

Little did I know, she just gave me her approval and the secret of our lasting relationship...


Hello, fan fiction lovers!

The first thing I'd like to do is to apologize for my absence last month... I had returned from a really horrible vacation with my family (Mom got sick, then me, horrible hotels and lame/forgetful attractions), I had no intentions of writing anything... After that, August became tougher and tougher and I proposed to catch up with all my stories and post first weekend of September...

Also, I'd like to wish a be-late Happy Back To School to the ones that already started. I've been on your shoes and I know school ain't easy or enjoyable sometimes, but it's a must...

Alright, enough with the sappy! We're here for something else! Stories! (Also, I'd like to address a reviewer's comment about reading my stories somewhere else. Yes. I have accounts in Wattpad, FanFiction, Quotev and Penana. I will have to update the last two, since the former two are my favorite ones. Anywhere else, IS NOT MINE)

Mortals, Meet... the In-Laws: 4 chapters! Clarisse, Katie, Travis and Lou meet their in-laws!

Characters, Meet... Characters: 4 chapters! Not even mentioning, you will discover it!

Percy Jackson, son of Chaos: 4 chapters plus Epilogue! (Proper thank you note there)

Mate?! Ain't Australian, Buddy!!: 4 chapters! I apologize for some of the plot, can be trigging or too violent for some readers...

IMPORTANT NEWS! The story Rise of Ouranos will be rewritten, as my collaborator LordNitro, decided not to continue with the story. I appreciate you all for you patience.

This will be all for this week! See you guys next Sunday!

xoxo, SilverHuntresses

Mortals: Meet... the In-Laws!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon