Annabeth Chase/Poseidon

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"WiseGirl, c'mon... Luke is already dressed and we're waiting for you" I heard Percy calling me from the other side of the door, making me sigh in frustration. I kept with my sight in my design and I missed the door being opened and Percy hovering me "Annabeth, c'mon... We haven't missed one of Luke's game, we can't start now..."

"I don't want to, Percy..." I admitted. I love watching Luke playing soccer, he was so good in it! And, along with Thomas, they were an unbeatable team "But I fear my project is not ready and if she finds out-" Percy stopped me, pushing the blueprint away from me.

"C'mon, you need a distraction and Luke is more than enthusiastic than to offer than..." he smiled and took me out of our apartment and to my son's game. I managed to forget why I was worried when I reached the end of the stairs. That would help me to concentrate in a good game!


Luke and Thomas had won the game and it was exciting to get out of the house and meet with Piper and Jason for a change that weekend. Percy was playing babysitter/biology teacher to Luke tonight, allowing me to go to work. After the usual struggle of getting the key from the concierge, I rode the elevator, taking deep breaths. The doors finally opened and I was at my destination.


I wish I was here to make a social visit to my Mom, that could be better since she toned down her rant against Percy and how he was a good-for-nothing-son-of-Poseidon. Maybe the fact that Percy had convinced his Dad to not antagonize Athena unless it was absolutely necessary was helping to great lengths. But, no. I wasn't here for that.

I was here to work on Hera's temple.

You see, somehow Hera's temple had crumbled down a few years into our marriage. I refused to design it again, even to the point that I overworked at the company I was working, so I could refuse her advances. That all changed when she caught up with us after one of Luke's games and ranted that, if I had time for my family, I had time to design her temple. Percy and her got into a screaming match, while Luke was crying, not understanding why his Daddy was screaming at that lady.

I had to spend the following two months listening her go on and on about how she wanted her temple, how I was a failure of a mother and how soon Percy would realize what a mess he got into. Not very promising coming from the Goddess of Marriage.

Now, I was standing at the bottom of the stairs, reconsidering once more my decision.

"Annabeth?" I heard behind me. I turned to see Poseidon, walking towards me, frowning. He was wearing his characteristic hawaiian shirt, with those patterns he seems to love. Percy claims it more easy to buy on Christmas because he uses them constantly. He also had a pair of khaki shorts and flip-flops on his feet "Nice to see you sweetie, but what are you doing here?"

"Hello, Poseidon. I'm here to see Hera..." I admitted and he looked surprised.

"Hera is not even here-" I opened my eyes in shock and he realized I was being played "Oh, dear... Did she start again? What could she think you did?"

"I honestly don't know, but all I know is that is straining my life with Percy and Luke..." I was suddenly crying in front of him, not able to hold it anymore "She makes demands that I have to fulfill, making me work until gods know what hour and I almost have no time for my family..."

"Yeah, Percy told me, but I never imagined he wasn't being overdramatic..." I looked at him, frowning "He tends to be over the top when you're involved" he shrugged, as if that explained everything.

"I just don't understand what she wants from me..."

"To be fair, I don't think even she knows what she wants..." He gestured me to sit down on the stairs and I did that "Listen, Annabeth, I say you should give a crab about this job and let her do it herself. After all, who do you think created this temples before interior design was a thing?" I chuckled, feeling much better "Go spend time with Luke and Percy, and let me deal with Hera"

"Is she that hated around here?" I wondered, thinking I know the answer.

"While Aphrodite was hated some time ago for gaining too much attention, Hera is hated for the other reasons..." he patted my shoulder in reassurance "And, if after I talk to her she comes bothering you, just remind her that she never missed one of Ares' tournaments... She will know what you mean, even if you don't know the whole thing..."

"Thanks, Poseidon. I would like to say that I owe you, but I fear what you'll ask me..." I confessed, a little rationally. He smirked at me.

"Well, I heard Sally and Paul saying they wouldn't mind some grandparent-grandchild time tonight..." I didn't need to be a genius to understand what he was saying and I blushed before leaving Olympus. I was more happy than when I got there, heading straight home, only to be greeted by a blonde cannonball, also known as my son.

"Mommy, Mommy! You're here early!!" he squeaked when I picked him up.

"And Mommy has another surprise for you..." Luke waited for it "You're spending the night with Grandma Sally and Grandpa Paul-"

"YAY!!" he celebrated, asking to be put down "Daddy, Daddy!! I'm visiting Grandma Sally and Grandpa Paul tonight!!" I laughed at Percy's oblivious look, who didn't understand anything that was going on here. I quickly kissed his cheek and smiled a bit sultry to him.

"I have to make it up to you, don't I?"

Needless to say, we were very happy that Luke was with Grandpa Paul and Grandma Sally that night.


Hello, my lovely readers!

Today, in this rainy day (at least down here in Argentina), I come to bring you some joy in the shape of three lovely chapters of my stories! If you have a sunny or even a cloudy day, it's also welcome!

Mortals, Meet... the In-Laws: one chapter!

Character, Meet... Character: one chapter!

Mate?! Ain't Australian, Buddy!!: one chapter!

I apologize if this author's note is slightly short, but frankly I have no big news this weekend... Maybe, next one would be different, who knows.

As always, comment, request and critic (with moderation and aware people has feelings) as much as you want.

xoxo, SilverHuntresses

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