30 - crimes aren't just for criminals

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Violets POV
Zooming down this long road, I was going so fast, I almost swerved into random peoples mail boxes. It felt so good just escaping for the moment.

As I kept driving, I ran over some poster signs on the side of the street. Knowing it would scratch up his poor little black sports car for when it returns to him.

Nothing was taking away this heavy weight of anger from me.

I suddenly slammed onto the brakes making my body fly slightly forward, my hair goes in front of my vision slightly. I groan frustrated.

In the middle of this silent road, I stared into the street intensely trying to figure out something to do.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I hit the wheel making the car honk. Clenching my jaw I kept my hand on the horn, honking and honking an honking now beginning to punch the wheel screaming.

Why am I so fucking mad!?? I never knew the Joker could make me go this crazy, it's not like we've been 'together' for that long anyway. Whatever I am feeling, was hate right now, it was just tearing me apart.

I chewed on my lip in thought. How could he give in so fast to that Barbie bitch, how does he think I would be alright with this?? No way in my world.

I again smash my foot onto the gas pedal, gliding into the road. It felt as if I was going through the speed of light. My back sunk into the seat strongly. The feeling of invisibility, power and anger built by each second.

Smiling to myself crazily, I laugh. Going so fast I was now entering the more inner town close to city area.

There was already tons of cars now in sight along with buildings, restaurants. "Ugh-" I mumble as rolled my eyes impatiently. No fucking way. The cars were beginning to get more packed up like traffic was starting.

Holding my gas pedal down, I let the car vroom to let the other cars know I'm not playing around, I just wanna keep going.

I roll down my window, "JUST GO YOU SLOW FUCKS" Waving my hand at these four dumb cars that were creating a line up. Swallowing rough, I squint my eyes.

"Hey piss off!" Someone in a yellow car yells back at me while flipping me off.

I froze for a second thinking if this bitch knew what they were getting themselves into, without a hesitation I began to let my gas run and started to zoom forward.

I'm cutting out of this traffic if it's the last thing I do. Swerving around the other cars, now passing by that yellow car I rolled down my window to see who this cunt was.

The person already had their window down, it was a man in his mid twenties would be my guess.

"Fucking tool" I hiss, and he blinked twice like he was trying to recognize me. Now giving him my middle finger I run the gas pedal leaving black smoke behind for him to inhale. He deserved it.

Other cars were honking at me insanely as I passed but I didn't give a damn. I smiled. Smiled wider.

But it was like a switch went off on me cause the next moment I knew, my grin vanished to the thought of The joker. Leaving me to feel my stomach twist again. Something about Harley throws me off, she isn't good.

I turned into a street that had less more cars than the others I saw. Taking advantage of it all, nothing stopped me from removing my foot from the gas.

Good in bad // the joker Jared Leto fanficWhere stories live. Discover now