14 - contact

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The Jokers POV
I can tell something is up with Violet but I can't place my finger on it. She looks very anxious and upset.

We walk back to the house and I notice the vans are nowhere to be seen meaning my henchmen are gone and went home.

Violet has been so quiet ever since that phone call, I need to say something. "Violet.." I trail off waiting for her response.

"What?" She said glancing over at me. Her Beauty glowed in the moonlight, I can't help but admire everything about her.

It actually scares me on how bad I am starting to crave her around more and more, even though she doesn't want me around.

Ugh what am I thinking I'm the joker for crying out loud, I'm the biggest criminal in the city, this girl shouldn't matter that much.

"Why so silent?" I ask watching her facial expression change into a frown. We enter the house and we both settle in the living room.

"I don't think it matters, trust me." She tells me, I'm trying my best not to blow up on her. She is starting to get on my nerves with her being all secretive.

"Violet." I say firmly again, "stop lying. What's wrong!" I said more harshly than I intended.

She shoots me a glares and scoffs "why do you need to know everything?!" She snapped at me, starting to get mad too.

"Maybe I want to help you that why!!" I raise my voice having enough of this repetitive arguing. "Help me?!" She repeats my words.

"Oh if you really want to help me, LET ME GO." She suddenly raises her last three words. I honestly can't help but laugh. Let her go? She wants to leave already, I swear I thought she was having a better time here lately. 

"Get over yourself Violet, you really think I'd just let you go after all we been through." I give another laugh, "-cause sorry sweet cheeks there's no going back." I smile.

The more she is getting mad the more she is getting hot, it's very odd but she looks so sexy the way she fights and takes control. Fuck stop it joker you can't think like this of her, I thought to myself almost wanting to hit my head.

"Oh really?!" Violet stands up.
Violets POV
"Oh really?!" I stand up about to lose it. What the fuck goes through this guys brain.

"Really." The joker nods standing up as well. He starts to walk closer to me. "You can't force this on me!" I basically yell, but all he does is grin. I swear the joker will smile at anything.

He's really starting to crawling under my skin. "But I can." He shrugs simply, with a maniac laugh.

"Is that what you did with Harley?!" I said immediately regretting it knowing I made a mistake. The jokers face dropped.

He exchanges his facial expression with a bitter look instead, "DON'T YOU EVER TALK ABOUT HER AGAIN!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. I flinch from the outburst but soon to crack a smile on my face.

Seems like I found a weakness from the joker. "Aww seems like you still have feeling for her." I taunt being funny.

The joker suddenly picks up a small glass statue off the coffee table and smashes it against the wall, I jerk back this time a little scared. The glass shattered roughly falling onto the wooden floor.

Good in bad // the joker Jared Leto fanficWhere stories live. Discover now