[Seven]; KickBack

Start from the beginning

"PRESSED" Leyah yelled out making me throw some ice at her.


We got to planned parenthood, me and Tori filled out the paperwork and waited for our names to be called. They ended up calling Tori first I guess it's because she's just getting checked for any STD's. After thirty minutes she came back out with a set of pills and started twerking.


"Bitch shut your happy ass up what they tell you about the pills?" I asked.

"Oh nothing really she said my eating habits might be up for a minute but they might cause weight gain so I need to stay in shape and eat healthy and shit like that."

"Pocahontas Black."

I looked up and I was being called to the back fro my pregnancy test, STD check, and to be put on birth control.

"Alright Miss. Black you are in the clear. No baby, No STD's , your birth control will cause you not to have a period this month and will cause weight gain so watch how much you eat."

"Alright thank you, it was nice meeting you."

"Likewise." She flashed a smile and I walked back into the front

"Ya'll im pregnant" I said while holding my head down trying not to laugh

"Ho ho Hontas you gotta tell Eric"

"SIKE YOU THOUGHT BITCH YOU THOUGHT. Ya'll should see ya'll faces oh my god ya'll fall for anything, them expressions was priceless man."


We decide we might as well go to school cause we ain't have shit else to do. We stopped for food at chic- fil- a on our way there since we were feeling good we got the boys food, Tori shot Ant a text that we were on our way with food then we pulled out of the parking lot.

We got to school and met up with the boys Aleyah was doing some serious avoiding with Lamar she gave him his food and walked straight to class no hug, no kiss, no hey, no nothing, the shit was so fucking funny cause he was mad at what she was doing.

The day went by smooth besides when they called us to the office for walking in two hours late but whatever. At the end of the day Leyah became a track star and Bolted out the the build like fuck waht Usain, she really didn't want to talk to Lamar about what happened, but she act like she forgot we had to go to their kick back tonight.




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