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Ellie's POV
Today Jason leaves. I think he left already. If he didn't leave yet I know he would have sent me a text. It's noon right now and Jason doesn't sleep this late. He has to be going to the jail right now.

I don't even know what jail he's going to. How can I visit him? I lay in my bed scared for Jason, scared for myself. My dad walks in my room and looks at me. "Ellie." he tries but I don't respond, "Ellie listen to me right now!" he screams and I flinch.

"What?" I ask timidly. "Get up and clean your room, my room, and the kitchen" he says and I mentally groan. "C-Can I get something to eat first?" I ask and he rolls his eyes. "No, start cleaning" I don't move and his face turns red. "NOW!"

I quickly get up and start to clean my room and McKenzie sends me a link to a video. I click on it and hit play.

"Jason McCann was reportedly arrested this morning, for multiple illegal drug deals and crimes. The police department told us only a few details about McCann's arrest, like that he's sentenced to death, or the rest of his life in jail. He can only be bailed out after 5 years in jail, but no one would bail him out. Say tuned for more footage and details about the arrest of Jason McCann."

I stare at my phone in shock. They didn't say where he is though. I sigh and continue to clean. So much for a "happy birthday".

Jason's POV
I walk into the small cell and the bars get slammed shut, then the steel door. The only light shines from a small light bulb covered by a metal shield.

I look around the tiny cell and climb to the top bunk and stare at the small wooden bench. My stomach growls but I know that the food doesn't get served for another three hours.

I think of Ellie and how she's turning
18 today, I couldn't be there. She doesn't even know where I am. I start to bang on my door and one of the guards walk up and open the movable glass window.

"What do you want McCann?" he snarls. I look into his old face and wonder why he chose this job. "I want my phone call." I demand.

"You actually have someone to call? You're kidding me right?" he asks like I'm joking. "You think this is some sort of funny business? It's not, so for fucks sake let me have my phone call damn it." I say and he opens my cell door.

He leads me to the office and I pick up the phone, quickly dialing Ellie's number. I hear the other end click on and her beautiful voice rings through the speaker. "Hello? Who.. who is this?"

I smile and the guard watches me like I'm some film being showed at a movie theater. I sit on the floor and rest up against the desk. "Ellie? Sweetheart, it's me, Jason." I say and I hear her gasp.

"Jase! How are you talking to me?" she asks. "I asked for my phone call, I think I only get one." I say and I can sense that she's frowning.

"Where are you?" she asks. I tell Ellie where I am and the guard watches me. Does he think I'm making an escape plan? This place is loaded with guards.

"I miss you." she says quietly. "I know sweetheart, I miss you too. I'm sorry for missing your birthday. It's all my fault"

We talk for another two hours, even though the call was only supposed to be 10 minutes. McKenzie showed up and talked for a little while then they both had to go. I hang up the phone and lean my elbows against my knees.

"Who was that?" the guard asks. "My sweetheart." I reply staring at the blank wall.

"You care about her don't you." I nod my head, "Yeah, she's the only thing I do care about. I'd trade anything to get out of here and see her."

The guard stares at me for a while until I stand up when the bell rings for dinner and walk into the dining hall. All the prisoners look at me with wide eyes and coward away in fear. I roll my eyes and grab what they call "food". All I think about is Ellie, my baby, my sweetheart, my love.

How can I survive without her?

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