Busted {1}

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It had been an extremely long day, so I was glad to be leaving the Institute early for the date I had with Magnus. I figured I would be able to get to his loft early so we could spend some time together before going out.

I was just about to push the Institute doors open when I heard my name being called behind me. I turned around and was face to face with my sister. "Where are you going so early?" She asked me. I shrugged my shoulders. "Just going out for a small hunt. Nothing to serious." I said smoothly. I was working on my lying recently so no one suspected anything. "Want company?" She asked me and I shook my head.

"No. That's ok. I just need some time to myself. I've been in my office for hours and need to get some fresh air." I explained to her. She raised her eyebrow at me, not fully believing me. I knew it wasn't totally like me to go out hunting by myself with the excuse being 'to get out of the office' but it was the best I had in that moment.

"Alright." She said finally while walking away. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I got away with it once again. I did feel kind of bad for lying to my family about where I was always going, but I just wasn't ready to tell them.

I slipped out the doorway and began to walk through the streets of Brooklyn towards Magnus's loft. Normally my thoughts would be silenced by the sound of the cars, but today was different. Today I couldn't help but feel like I was being followed.

I circled around the block three times and took different routes to Magnus's houses, but no one was following me. 'I'm just being paranoid for no reason.' I thought to myself as I reached the main door to his loft.

I walked up the stairs until I got to the third floor. I turned the corner and walked down to the familiar door I had stood in front of countless times. Only the last few times there had been no hesitation in my knock.

"Alexander!" Magnus greeted while holding the door open wider for me to enter. "You're home early." He said and I smiled. "I wanted to get out of there." I replied and he returned the smile.

I walked in and took a seat on the couch. I was silent. My thoughts were running like a wildfire in my brain. All I could think of was the feeling of someone following me and lying to my family. I thought about maybe I was being followed by my family. I shuddered at the thought of it. 'Raziel must be punishing me for lying. There's no other explanation.' I decided in my head. I felt like I was mentally torturing myself with the bombarding fears racing through my brain of my family finding out I was with Magnus. I could see the hurt in Izzy and Jace's eyes....

"Alec?" Magnus said. I snapped back into reality and found Magnus sitting down next to me. 'When did he do that?' I asked myself. "Yeah?" I said with a fake smile trying to push all my fears and worries away. "Whats wrong?" He asked me.

"Nothing." I replied. He shook his head at me. "I know you better than that. Something's wrong and I know it." He said. "Tell me?" He asked gently. I sighed.

"Raziel is punishing me." I told him. He chuckled before speaking. "And what exactly did my Alexander do to make Raziel punish him?" He asked me with another chuckle. I stayed silent looking down at my hands.

"You're family again?" He asked me gently, all humor gone. I nodded slightly. He placed his hand on my shoulder. "Maybe we should go get those drinks you promised me." He said with a smile. I looked up at him once again, a smile slowly appearing on my face. I nodded at him a second time and we got up off the couch and headed towards the front door.

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