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Hi readers! If there's even a reader HAHAHA! Anyway, I would like to apologize since I'm not going to continue this story anymore. The reason is pretty simple. Joey has a girlfriend now and that took my inspiration away from writing this and Einshine (/ω\) he quited Youtube already so.... (╥﹏╥) what's the sense of writing this?! I'm a huge fan of both and having Joey taken (no offense to Akidearest hehe) and Einshine gone... I just can't... (╯︵╰,) The story is almost ending and I have already planned how will it end but the urge to write it just evaporated so I really am sorry for not finishing this. I'm really sorry! (*>.<*)

So yeah, everyone who had read and supported the book. Thank you everyone! ~_~

Lol even if I wrote this... I guess no one cares about this book. Hahaha

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