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A/N: This chapter exceeded the limit but if I cut it, it won't be complete. *sigh* Anyway here's chapter 16. Enjoy reading. ^-^/


You blinked in surprise when Joey called your nickname. "H-how did you know-,"

"I saw it on the note you wrote for Shine." He cut.

"Oh," you nodded and just shrug everything off, "anyway, we can leave our things to the staff room... Though we can just carry our things since we look like who just finish doing shopping because of the medium size paper bags we have." You thought and looked back at him, "what do you think?"

You noticed that Joey was surprise when you looked at him again but didn't mind it since maybe he was just thinking something.

"I guess it's best to just leave our things to the staff room for now to avoid forgetting it in some places here. And I'll be taking a lot of pictures so it'll be really hard if I have things with me." Joey finally answered.

You nodded as you get his point, "okay," you agreed. "Then let's go."


You and Joey are now standing side by side in the crowd. You can't help but feel discomfort due to the crowd that has been stealing glances at the two of you. You shook your head, 'no, it's only Joey they keep on glancing at.' You convinced yourself since you think that there is no way they will like your cosplay. But that still didn't make your body relax. Your body has gone stiff already and you also know that if you try to walk there's no doubt you'll trip out of nothing.

"Um, Joey they keep on looking at you." You told him as he just oddly looked at you.

"You mean they keep on looking at us." He corrected making you more nervous and stiff.

"Hey," you were startled by a creepy looking guy holding a camera suddenly approaching you. "Can I take a photo of you alone?" you actually don't want to but since you cosplayed and you are in a cosplay con, you then agreed. The guy giggled and readied his camera, "oka-,"

"Wait," Joey interrupted and covered you from the guy. "You're not taking any picture of her unless I'm in it." He said. You tried to look at Joey's face but instead ended up looking at his wide back since he was covering you and shooing the guy away.

As the guy finally given up from trying to take your photo, Joey then faced you. "Don't just let anyone take a photo of you." He scolded.

"Huh? But we are in a cosplay con. It's normal for someone who's cosplaying to be shot." You reasoned out.

He then stared at you as if you just said some kind of nonsense. "Just don't." He said as some girls approached him asking if he was cosplaying the character of the YouTuber TheAnimeMan. He nodded and then took some photo with them.


The Anime Man and I [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now