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You are now at the train station waiting for your designated train to arrive. Feeling tired from running, you still couldn't accept what just happen there.

You were kissed. By Joey. Twice. One, inside the theater. The other, outside the theater, in front of the crowd. And most of all, In front of Shine.

"I'm done. I'm doomed. I'm dead." You keep chanting lifelessly until the train arrived. "Gaah..." You sighed and scratched your head in irritation. 'Why in front of Shine!'

It was rush hour so having more crowds was normal. She was still in her own little world, as the scene keep rewinding in her thoughts, she didn't even realize that the train already arrived and she was push by the other passengers inside.

You only notice this all when a weird gesture was done behind under your bottom. It may be slight but, you can't just ignore the gesture, you were touched for goodness sake. You turn your head behind you and tried to glare at the once beside you. Keyword: Tried.

Even if you really wanted to glare, you couldn't just do it especially when the person behind are probably innocent, so you then turn back to your original position. You are irritated but you don't know who to blame. And then the scene went flashback again into your mind making you forgot that you were touched. You sighed thinking what Shine thought about you now. 'I don't really have a chance to have a proper encounter with Shine, do I, God?' you thought as you were startled by the sudden gesture to your bottom again. If earlier, it was only slight touch, this time it was more of a rub now. Your irritation had faded away as horror replaced it. You were now starting to feel scared as small beads of sweat start to form in your face, this became worse when you notice that there are only few women in the train you are in. 'Oh God! It's better to be kissed by Joey than this. This is not happening if I haven't run away from them.' You wanted to scream for help but your voice seemed to have been drained. 'I am so dead.' You wanted to tear up since the unknown pervert is not stopping it and seemed don't have a plan to stop it. 'What to do? What to do? What to do?' you keep repeating this question until you felt someone grabbed your wrist and pulled you to a certain corner. 'Shit! Rape! Rape! My life is really doomed!' You mentally screamed while your eyes closed.

"(Y/nn), you okay?" you heard a familiar voice asked.


A/N: Okay, so tomorrow again. Huehue~

The Anime Man and I [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now