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You can only just blink in confusion as you stood frozen with Shine. Literally frozen.

Romantically moving closer as he slowly close his eyes, and soon followed by him stopping when there's only a few inches away from your lips touching his and then just froze like a statue that made you really confuse at the moment.

"Um..." You began after awhile as you notice the frozen position you and Shine had been executing. "W-what exactly are you up to Shine?" You asked hesitantly.

Instead of a proper answer, Shine had just responded a low hush signaling you to keep silent for who knows why. You creased your brows at that as you blush a little due to the air that touches you that came from Shine. You mentally shook your thoughts as you for an instant fangirled all of a sudden, as you did, you decided to protest, you are about to do so when suddenly Shine had finally spoken but still in a low tone, very low that only the two of you could hear.

"Just for a little moment (Y/nn)," Shine said still not moving at the said position. "The person who keeps following me might still be there..." He trailed in obvious fear.

"Huh? What do you mean?!" You lowly exclaimed. If you even call it an exclaimed.

"I'm sorry (Y/nn) for dragging you into this... I was just trying to comfort you that's why I followed you when I sensed that someone was following me. It might be a stalker so I've decided to make  a show that I'm already with someone I like so this person will just give up and leave me alone." He ended still not moving.

End of chapter

The Anime Man and I [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now