(20) Unexpected

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  • Dedicated to My mom :)

Hey! I really hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it! :) Please, vote and/or comment if you like it. Tell me what you think!!

Chapter Twenty

I just stare at Stayton with shocked eyes, "Angie and Isaac are here? How do you know?"

He looks at me and pushes himself up off the ground, "He was just inside my head."

My words seem to get stuck inside my throat. Wait, so British is Isaac? I thought he worked for Isaac, I never imagined he was Isaac. I swallow and look up at Stayton; my eyes probably begging him to say no to my next question, "does Isaac have a British accent?"

Stayton looks at me and in his eyes I can see sadness; for me? He opens his mouth then closes it; he repeats that a couple times before finally saying, "Yes. He does."

I feel my shoulders sag then I look up hopefully, "does he have blonde hair?"

Stayton gives me a quizzical look. "Yes, how do you know this, Bethany?"

British is Isaac. British—Isaac, is here. Angie is with him. Angie is the girl from the bathroom? Oh god, Angie was talking to my mom! Wait, what was it that Isaac said when he was Stayton?

"You really love your mother, don’t you?"

A sob escapes my lips and I press my hand to my mouth and look up at Stayton with wide eyes and he grips my shoulders, "Bethany, you have to tell me the truth. Has Isaac ever visited you? Talked to you?"

I can’t look into his eyes anymore. Can I lie to him? Can I lie and say "no; of course he has never talked or visited me"? Would I really be able to look into his eyes and say no? For some reason I feel like I shouldn’t tell Stayton about Isaac and I being linked; but I can tell him about him coming to my room, can’t I?

I take a deep breath and puff out my cheeks and slowly lift my head so I’m looking at him and once I’m fully looking at him I want to just throw myself into his arms and cry; I want him to tell me everything will be okay, that nothing’s wrong.

"Bethany?" Stayton says gently but gentleness isn’t the only thing evident. He’s annoyed; he wants me to just tell him; to just come clean about everything.

Something inside of me snaps and I glare at him. "No, Stayton. Isaac has not visited me or talked to me. Ever. Happy now? Finally got what you want." I growl while pushing myself up and walking towards the door but Stayton grabs my wrist and pulls me to a stop. My wrist starts tingling where his fingers are but I still throw a glare over my shoulder at him and attempt to tug my wrist out of his grip, "let me go! I want to go back inside."

"Bethany, don’t be stupid. You’d go back in there knowing that Isaac and Angie are there?" He says; his voice oddly even but his shoulders are tense.

I look him right in the eyes and say with as much malice as I can scrounge up, "and what? You’d just leave Kent, Clyde, Nick, Nadine, Shay, my mom, and my dad in there? I never knew you were so selfish, Stayton; well, I could have guessed but now that I know," I shake my head and give him a look of disappointment, "I'm disappointed in you, Stayton. I thought you would be the one to rush in there and want to save everyone’s life but wait, that’s Kent isn’t it?" His eyes narrow; surprisingly the only evidence of his anger, "You’re just the muscle and the," I rack my brain for the right word, "enforcement," his grip tightens on my wrist and I bite my lip to cut off my oncoming yelp.

"I know you’re lying to me, Bethany." Stayton says, deadly quiet; obviously not even bothering to start a fight, "And I want you to tell me the truth. I need to know the truth if I am to help you."

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