(22) Forsaken? I Don't Think So

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Chapter Twenty Two

It’s just so dark. All of the lights have been broken and I’m pretty sure I keep stepping in blood. The only light we have is the small lamp that Stayton asked Nadine to make once he realized how truly dark it is. Something about this situation is getting on my nerves, I feel like a skittish cat; jumping at every creak and sound that floats to my ears.

"Stop jumping." Stayton snaps while laughing slightly, "every other second you go up into the air."

I make a face at him, "I can’t help it! Do you see how dark and creepy it is in here?"

He laughs and shakes his head, the lamp casting a peculiar glow on his face. It looks like he’s shining a flashlight from underneath his chin and getting ready to tell me a horror story. The thought brings goose bumps to my skin; I'm sure Stayton would be exceptional at telling horror stories. "It’s just going to get creepier." He says while shining the light on a darkened hallway then stepping into it.

The hallway is narrow; making Stayton and I brush hands as we walk down it but I ignore it and glance around me, forcing myself not to jump when my heel makes a particularly loud click and Stayton chuckles slightly. I look up at him, "you were right. It did get creepier. Why is it so dark?"

He glances down at me, "Because Isaac wants it to be."

I bite my bottom lip, "Why? What does he have planned?"

Stayton shrugs, "Beats me."

"Did you really just say that?" I ask, slightly astonished at the choice of words.

"What else am I supposed to say?" He enquires, slightly amused while quirking his right eye brow up.

"I don’t know," I start and flutter my eye lids while thinking; "you could have said something more professional like ‘I don’t have any idea what Isaac has planned.’" I grin at him, "that’s what you’re like."

Now he raises both his eye brows. "You think I’m all professional?"

"Yep," I say while popping the P and flashing him a small grin.

He scratches the nape of his neck and casts me a cute look, "I’m not always professional."

I lift up both my eye brows. "Sure you aren’t."

He laughs and rolls his eyes. "You can think I am all you want. Truth is?" He grins at me, "I don’t really care."

Now it’s my turn to roll my eyes but secretly, I’m totally enjoying this. I love it when Stayton shows his fun-loving side. It just makes me so fuzzy inside. It’s great to know that he’s not always cold and rude; that it’s just a cover up. But why does he have to cover up this side of him? And why doesn’t Nick trust him? What is Stayton’s secret?

I peek over at him. Can he hurt me? Will he hurt me? No, no matter how much of a jerk Stayton can be I believe he will never hurt me. He’s here to help me. But then why doesn’t Nick trust him? I sigh when I realize I’m never going to feel truly safe with Stayton until I know his dumb secret. Why do people keep secrets anyways?

Because Bethany, if there wasn’t secrets; everything would be chaotic. Friends would turn on friends, family on family. If you think about it; secrets save our lives.

I make a face at the sound of Isaac’s voice inside my head. God, how much I wish he couldn’t do that. Especially now that I know he’s the enemy. Now that I know he’s Isaac. Stay out of my head. I snap at him.

Don’t you want to know Stayton’s darkest secret?

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