(15) Inception

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 Hey guys, I think you should listen to the song at the side. It explains her and Stayton pretty good. Hahah :)

Chapter Fifteen

I look over as Shay practically throws herself into the car and clutch my bag to my chest. "Did mom buy you a dress too?"

Shay smiles. "Yes. A cute yellow one," she casts her eyes down, "Not like I’ll have anyone to show it off to."

I eye her, "do you have anyone in mind?"

She instantly blushes and looks down and twirls a piece of her hair around her finger and I smile. I knew there is a guy! I can just tell in the way she didn’t look at me when she talked. "Yeah, I think I do."

"Who?" I shriek excitedly. It’s rare that Shay actually likes a guy. Normally she just thinks they’re hot.

She doesn’t meet my eyes and my happiness starts to disappear a bit and I wonder what I would do if she says she likes Stayton. "Shay?" I urge.

"Fine! I’ll tell you!" She yells while looking at me and picking at her nails, "I was kind of hoping that Kent would ask me."

I just stare at her. Kent? Kent and Shay? Would they even work out? Do they even have anything in common? Yes, they do. I feel my cheeks twitch up as I remember them on the plane. The way Kent’s eyes sparkled as he talked to her. "Kent! Oh my god, do you think he will ask you?" I exclaim and she seems to get caught off guard. She just stares at me and after a couple of seconds gives me a hesitant smile.

"I-I don’t know? Could you, maybe, I don’t know. Ask him about me?" She asks quietly while locking her eyes on something past my shoulder.

My smile beams and a happy feeling starts to sprout in my chest. Shay and Kent. "Of course I can!"

Shay looks up and now she actually smiles. "God Beth, you’re the best friend in the world."

I stay silent at that. She probably wouldn’t think that if she knew what I am. What am I? British said I was a vampire gone wrong, is that why I only occasionally need blood? I sigh, I’ll have to ask British tomorrow night and maybe finally figure out who the heck he is.

"You have to talk to him as soon as we get back to your house." Shay says excitedly and I just nod. Should I tell Kent about Nadine? And just leave out the part about British? I think so. Shay starts chattering away about how she’s going to do her hair and about how excited she is for tonight.

"Just three more hours!" She screeches as mom starts heading towards my house but I ignore her. My minds on what happened in the store. Who is Raphael? What was Nadine going to tell me about him before British cut her off? How did British stop Nadine? Did he shoot her? No, there was no blood.

Did glass cut her? No! There was no blood.

Did she pass out from using magic? Then why would the window of exploded?

Had she accidently used magic on herself? No, that’s dumb; she seemed highly educated on how to use her powers.

Then what happened?

The ride home seems way longer than normal but once mom finally pulls into the driveway I open the door and jump out. For some reason I don’t feel very safe outside of my house. At a slow and leisurely pace I walk towards the door and as soon as I step onto the stairs I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding and suddenly feel safe from everything in the world.

Didn’t Kent say something about my house having some sort of shield around it? Yes, I believe he did. But how? And who put it there?

I shake my head sharply; now is not the time to think of the issues in my life. I’m supposed to be having a fun night tonight and nothing can change that. I even got a dang dress. Besides, I need to talk to Kent. I can't distract myself by questions. Shay will kill me if I don't talk to him.

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