(16) Tell Me a Story

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Chapter Sixteen

Weird. Normally, the presence of Stayton makes me look at him but for some reason when he and Kent run into my room I don’t want to just stare at him.

Oh right. Because my best friend has a knife and is most likely possessed by some evil magic lady. I glance behind me at the two in the doorway and knock on the invisible wall. They look at me and Stayton narrows his eyes and I gulp; are we ever going to be normal?

"Help!" I shriek while banging on the invisible wall and scream as Shay blindly swipes the knife in front of her. I duck down and she scrapes the wall with the knife and I grab her wrists. I look into her eyes. "Shay! Snap out of it!"

A loud snarl escapes her lips and she bares her teeth at me and I open my mouth in a silent scream as her eyes glaze over and she leans forwards and whispers in my ear, "Bethany," goose bumps appear on my arms, "You thought we couldn’t find you?"

I gulp. "W-what are you talking a-about?"

Shay smiles but it’s filled with wickedness and purple specks flicker through her eyes. "You know. You thought that a pathetic little shield around your house can keep me out?"

Shays hair starts to sizzle and she takes a step forwards and places the knife at my throat. The background sounds and yells are barely audible through my ears as panic buzzes through my brain. Shay tilts her head to the side and flicks my hair out of my face with the knife before gently placing the tip on my neck once more. "You don’t know what I'm talking about, do you?"

I shake my head and talk around the knife on my throat, "No, I don’t."

Her hair starts to sizzle more and blue sparks float down her finger tips. I yelp as one of them lands on my arm and my skin turns black from a burn. The sparks land on the knife and start to envelop it. I watch in fascination as the silver knife turns dark blue but my gaze is ripped from it when "Shay" speaks. "You don’t know who Raphael is," She states but I still nod my head. She leans forwards again and whispers in my ear once more, "I can tell you everything you want to know. You just have to come with me."

That seems perfectly reasonable. After all, she knows who British is, she can tell me. She knows who Raphael is, she most likely knows what I am. What can be so bad about finding out some answers? She can’t kill me; she needs me for Raphael, right? Right?

I take a deep breath and open my mouth to answer when the invisible wall starts to shake and Shay hisses at it. Dazedly, I look over my shoulder and tilt my head to the side, kind of confused as to what’s in front of me. Where did Stayton get the axe? I’m pretty positive my family doesn’t own an axe.

"Stop it!" Shay screams while clenching the knife handle until her knuckles turn white.

Stayton ignores her and keeps swinging against the wall, his teeth gritted and his feet firmly planted on my floor. I glance around the room and find no sign of Kent, where did he go?

"Bethany! No matter what she tells you, do not go anywhere with her!" He yells, slightly out of breath as he hits the wall again. A small hairline fracture appears and Shay’s eyes burn bright orange and my eyes widen.


But how? How is she in Shay’s body? Where is Shay? Is she okay? Is she in her body still but Nadine is controlling it? Is that how Nadine got into my house? Oh god, how in the world am I supposed to explain this to Shay? That we like to do skits and make imaginary walls and hack at them with axes? Yeah, cause that will go over well.

She looks over at me and I find myself getting enveloped in her orange eyes. She smiles and this time it’s the one i’m used to seeing on Shay. "Bethany, don’t you want to know answers? Don’t you want to know who British is? Or Raphael? Or the secrets these four are keeping from you?"

Behind the Mask - Book One [Editing/Re-writing]Where stories live. Discover now