He swung open the door with a smile, "Uncle Raymond, it's been a long time si--"

His words died on his lips. It was not his Uncle.

His dad rubbed his head with his hand and joined Zack, "What's up, kiddo? Why aren't you inviting your Uncle in?" He paused to see that it was not his Brother, instead it was two complete strangers. The two figures were wearing black cloaks and they both have a similar mask on. Completely white with only two holes for their eyes. One of them lifted their arm slowly, placing his palm in front of Zack's face.

A ball of mist manifested itself in front of him. His Father grabbed him and tossed him to the side, just as the ball of mist was launched.

Fortunately, it hit the wall, creating a clean hole.

Zack shuddered as he looked at the hole, if that was to hit him, he would have definitely be dead by now.

"Who are you?" His Father questioned calmly.

There were no response.

The man, whom launched the ball mist, disappeared and reappeared behind his Father. He then attempted to give him a kick to his face. However, it failed. His Father noticed and blocked it swiftly, "Well, I guess you two don't talk much, huh."

His Father gave the man a quick kick to the chest, launching him to the wall. He cracked his fingers and looked at the other man menacingly, it was as if a lion getting ready to hunt for its prey, "You're next."

He launched himself towards the other man, throwing a punch right at his face. The man barely blocked, but the impact sent him flying.

"Heh, as expected of the leader." The man whom was previously launched to wall said, "I guess he is definitely harder to take down than the other members."

Zack's warm blood turned cold upon hearing that, "The other members... They were taken down?"

His Father shifted his attention to that man and gripped the cloak tightly, ramming him against the wall, "What are you talking about? What about the other members?" This time his tone was much aggressive.

There was no response.

"Answer me!" He barked while lifting the man up the wall just by holding on the collars of his cloak.

The man sneered, "Isn't it obvious? They are all dead."

The words just made Zack's heart dropped to the pro of his stomach. His Father froze for a second. The other man took this opportunity to lunged a sword towards his head.

Noticing it, Zack called out for his father, "Dad! Watch out!"

He turned upon hearing those words, but he could not react. Fortunately, his wife noticed it and blocked it just in time with a sword of her own, "Stay focus!"

After a failed attack, the other man grabbed Kate. "It's sad to see a girl at this age to die." He stated as he pressed the blade against her throat.

Huge droplets of tears formed at the bottom eyelids. She blinked once, causing them rolled down her cheeks. She forced out the words with her quivering voice, "D-Dad...dy, h-help..." The overwhelming fear she felt made it hard for her to breathe.

"Kate!" Zack yelled, "Let go of her!" He ran towards her, but he was stopped by his Mother. "Don't make any rash movements!"

"But..." Zack protested, but was silenced but his Mother's glare. "What do you want?" She asked, "My daughter has nothing to do with this."

"Well, no. Our mission was to kill every member of the Jackson clan. Since, she's a member, we need to kill her." That man replied while pressed the blade closer to her throat, "Or maybe, you should let go of my subordinate first."

Zack looked at his Father, wanting him to do what the man told him to do. He was unwilling to do to it, but he did it. He dropped the man and waited for the other man to release his daughter.

"Wow, you actually do listen, mister leader." The man laughed, "...What an idiotic move."

Just as the man wanted to slit Kate throat, her Mother launched herself towards the two and grabbed her in her arms, as both of the fell to ground. Her Mother smiled and comforted her, "Kate, don't worry. Everything is fine, I'm here. Don't cry, alright?"

Just as she said that, the man came up from behind and swung his sword, slicing her Mother's back. She winced in pain, but huddled her daughter so that she would not be harmed.

"Katherine!--" His Father words died on his lips as the other man, whom he let off, penetrated his heart with his bare hand. Blood splattered across the living room as blood began to spurt out his mouth. Everything seemed to slow down, Zack looked at his Father. He was not able to comprehend what just happened. His breathing was irregular.

His Father slowly fell onto the ground as the man withdrew his hand. A puddle of blood expanded with every second, yet his feet was planted to the ground.

Subconsciously, tears ran down his face. His legs were weak and he just plopped onto the ground. He barely ate anything, but the sight of his dead parent, made him sick to his stomach.

"Zen!" His mother cried, seeing her husband lying lifelessly on the ground. She stood up and pushed Kate out of the door, "Go, Kate."

"M-Mummy..." Kate did not want to leave her here. Her mother turned and yelled, "I say GO! Zack join your sister."

Zack could not hear his Mother, he was too mentally lost and drained. His Mother rushed for him and shook him, "Zack Jackson! I say get out!"

Finally, he came back to reality. However, his eyes were completely dead. His Mother grabbed him and went to the door as quickly as she could. Just as she placed him back the ground, a sword was pierced through her chest. It made her Mother coughed up blood, but she used her final strength to push the boy out, "Run..."

Seeing his Mother slowly falling to the ground, his eyes widened, "Mom!" The two men came up behind her and was ready to get the two of them. However, their Mother held both of their legs, to stop them from getting close to her two children. "Zack... Take your sister and go now. Please. Just listen to me this one last time, alright honey...?" She forced out a smile despite the pain.

Looking at that scene, his heart ached. He nodded unwillingly and looked at his Mother for the last time, who was mouthing a couple of words, before one of the men stabbed her in the heart. He grabbed his little sister's hand and ran as fast as he could.

As they were running, he thought about his Mother's last words that she mouthed.

"I can't see you grow up any further. I'm sorry, Zack. Goodbye, and I will always love you."

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