who did this

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Tessa POV:

Cameron walked to the door and locked it which made me a little uncomfortable. He walked over to me and pushed me down onto the bed. I took deep breaths not knowing what was going to happen. He came towards me and hit me.

- the next morning -

I woke up and looked around confused. I felt really cold and looked for a blanket. When I went to grab one I saw I was completely naked and had big bruises everywhere on my body. I started breathing quickly out of confusion. I walked to my bathroom and saw hickeys all over my body too. I know this is not form Anthony. Cameron! He came over last night and he hit me then I don't remember anything after that. What if he did this to me? Someone knocked at my door.

Anthony: Tessa?

Tessa: Y-yeah?

Anthony: Are you ok?

Tessa: Um yeah just gonna take a shower.

Anthony: Ok!

I heard him walk away. I turned on the shower to make it seem like I actually was taking one. I fell on the floor and started sobbing quietly. Why me? I never did anything to deserve this. Why Cameron? Why did he choose me to abuse? It hurts mentally and physically when your getting abused. I don't even know why people do that. He doesn't even appreciate our relationship. I look down at my body again making me cry harder.

- few hours later -

I got dressed and was ready to talk to everyone again. It hurts so bad to walk around. I don't even know why. What are these bruises here for? Who are the hickeys from? My guess is Cameron. How do I not remember who gave me these? I walked out my room. I was walking slowly as the pain got worse. When I got downstairs everyone smiled at me. I struggled to smiled back.

Chance: Good morning Tessa!

Nick: How was your first night back?

Tessa: Good! I missed sleeping here! It's so good to be back!

I walked towards the couch. Anthony was sitting there on his phone.

Anthony: Good morning beautiful! Are you hot underneath all those layers?

I was wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants to hid everything I could.

Tessa: No, I feel fine.

Anthony: If you say so. Come sit by me.

I walked over to him and slowly sat down.

Anthony: What's the matter?

Tessa: Nothing, I'm fine.

I got into his arms as he cuddle me. My back hurt so bad and my arms. I bit my lip in pain. I'm trying to hide the fact that someone hurt me.

Jake: Tessa? What's wrong? You seem hurt or something.

Anthony: She's fine!

Chance: Why the fuck are you snapping back? Tessa can speak for herself.

Tessa: I'm fine.

Anthony: I told you.

Anthony pulled me closer and held me tighter. I screamed in pain. Anthony quickly let go of me. I moved away from him. Jake and Chance ran over.

Jake: See I told you she's not ok!

Chance: What's wrong?

I tried to get up but they stopped me.

Anthony: Tell us now.

Tessa: I-i...

Jake: Come on Tessa.

I lifted up my sweatshirt (that had a sports bra under it) to reveal all the hickeys and bruises I had. They all gasped at the sight of seeing it. Erika came over and looked even more shock.

Erika: What in the world.

She practically whispered that. Everyone was speechless. Tears started coming out of my eyes. I looked over at Anthony but he was gone. When I looked by the stairs I saw him walked away from everyone. Why was he waking away? I need him in a time like this.

Jake: Explain what happened.

Tessa: I don't know what happened.

Nick walked over. He took a good look at everything.

Nick: Can you tell us what could have happened? Because this looks like..

Chance: Tessa speak.

Tessa: My abusive boyfriend came over last night. I told home to leave but he insisted that I bring him up to my old room. He punched me in the stomach when I told him no. I did so he wouldn't hurt me anymore. And when we got there he told me not to tell anyone anything about what is going to happen or he would hurt Anthony. And then he hit me. That's all I remember.

Nick backed away and put his hands over his mouth.

Jake: Jake come here.

Jake walked over. They started whispering and Jake looked in shock.

Tessa: What do we do?

Erika: Call the police. They need to look at this. Cameron could have done this. We need to get him. He will answer questions.

Tessa: No! He said if I tell anyone then he would hurt Anthony.

Chance: He can't do shit.

Tessa: He can do more then you think.

Erika: Screw him Tessa. Anthony is not even here supporting you when you told us what happened! He's literally outside right now!

She was right.

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