the truth

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ahhhhhhhh!!! 3k views? That's seems impossible! Thank you guys so much for taking time to read my story honestly :)
Chance POV:

Chance: I saved your guys careers.

Nick: What?

Emilio: What do you mean?

Chance: Well when Jake told me his plan and how he wanted my help, he said if I don't help then....

Ivan: Come one bro,

Erika: It's ok, tell us.

Chance: Then he would kick everyone off Team 10 and tell fake stories on why everyone left. He gave me and idea of one story for Erika and I had to say I would help with this plan. The stories he would tell are just too evil.

Erika: Oh my god.

Nick: Why would he do this?

Emilio: Bro, I can't believe Jake would do that do all of us.

Chance: Yeah I know. I tried my best to make it seem like a good plan and make it seem like I was okay with it. But i wasn't okay with it. I just wanted to help you guys out. I didn't think about how Tessa and Anthony would be effected. But now I really fucked things up.

Erika: No Chance you didn't. You saved us from hell. If you didn't agree to this then...

Nick: We would all have no where to go.

Ivan: Yeah, but Tessa and Anthony now have to go through pain.

Everyone was silent. Everyone was sad. No one knew about this. I tried to keep it a secret because I knew everyone would get more sad. But they need to know the whole story.

Anthony POV:
I walked into the living room and saw Tessa sitting on the couch. She was staring at the window. She's been thinking a lot about this situation. She's trying to put the pieces together.

Anthony: Tessa?

Her head snapped back into reality.

Tessa: Yes?

Anthony: Um I need to tell you something.

I walked over by her and sat down.

Anthony: Chance called me.

She immediately looked at me.

Anthony: He said sorry.

Tessa: Is that all he said?

Anthony: No, he said how he fucked up and other stuff.

Tessa: Do you forgive him?

Anthony: Yes.

She looked back at the window.

Tessa: After what he did to me.

Anthony: I just-

Tessa: No, I support your decision. I personally need to talk to Chance. I can't handle Jake right now.

I hugged her.

Anthony: Thank you.

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