leave team 10

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Jake POV:
Ever since Anthony and Tessa left I have missed them terribly. I messed up. Now everyone hates me. I hate that I have put this on myself. I wish the day they left never happened. My jealousy is what started this. I was jealous that Anthony was gonna date Tessa and I wouldn't have a girlfriend. It's so stupid. I watch Tessa's vlogs to see how's she and Anthony are doing. She seems good but she could be faking it. I look at Instagram to look at all the hate comments I get from people saying 'you messed up' or 'fuck you'. It's true, all of the comments. When I go look at my tagged photos I see Tessa, Anthony, and Chance at lunch. Chance can't be hanging out with them. I walked out the office furious.


Chance: Yeah?

I saw him start walking down the stairs.

Jake: Meet me in the office, right now!

He followed me as I walked in the office. I took a sit as he took one too.

Jake: What the fuck are these?

I showed him the pictures.

Chance: Uh..

Jake: Chance you can't see them again! I told you this! What did I say if you saw them again?

Chance: That you would-

Jake: SHUT UP! I'm furious with you!

Chance: I'm sorry. I was trying to able things better with all of us!

Jake: Sorry doesn't cut it!

Chance: Jake I know you miss them. Just please,

Jake: I don't miss them.

I lied.

Chance: You can't control who I can see and not see.

Jake: Are you fucking kidding me? Chance you are kicked out Team 10! Leave by tomorrow morning! No questions!

I walked out the office. Everyone was looking at me. They must have heard.

Erika: Jake? Why?

Erika seemed like she was gonna cry.

Jake: It's for the best. We need to get rid of toxic people.

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